
Ribbons should be made a bit more useful.

Honorable soldier + veteran ribbons should be displayed in game.
Should be shown whilst in games.
Should give immunity to being kicked.
Breaking any rule such as AFK'ing or glitching or w/e should be dealt with much more severely for players with these ribbons.

A lot of people just play for fun after work/school/in random free time or just simply don't have hours to spend playing. It becomes near impossible to complete daily missions, level up, hell even to have fun as a casual player because of how ridiculous kicking is.
Back in the day hackers were everywhere, and nowadays it's extremely rare to find one.
BUT people just kick for anything now, oh look 3x zm/hm for daily mission -- kill someone /kicked dodge someone /kicked too high a score /kicked blah blah.

The few hackers I have seen recently were the most ****tish to. One (group) was aimbotting etc and were impossible to kick due to the amount of them - had to leave room.
The other hacker was doing the same.. however when people complained to kick him he said some turkler blah blah **** and near enough everyone replied with SA aS sasa sa sasa then f12d, then you get kicked for initiating a fair kick.

I've gained about 8k xp in the past 2 days... 95% of it from scrims only. Scrims are slow, and you have to pay attention.. so it's not always fun or relaxing.

OR how about you just instantly make me idk Captain and gief me some zp and coins for my troubles :))


PS. playing with friends isnt the same, some people dont have friends, some people are scared to make them, some people dont speak arabic turkish balkan langs etc, AND it makes me sad if i kill someone i know or steal his kill or dont save him ): AKA NOT FUN


  • you might want to try a new game...like...idk....BARBIES!!!!
  • aves89 wrote: »
    you might want to try a new game...like...idk....BARBIES!!!!

    Why so rude against him :d

  • Honorable soldier + veteran ribbons should be displayed in game.
    Should be shown whilst in games.
    Should give immunity to being kicked.

    i stopped reading here...

    cause its just BS what you write.

    the hacker who created a new account cant be kicked. LOL


    all hackers will create new account and a lil guy like you get in rage and stop playing crossfire :D

    so man.. next time use your brain : DD
  • How can you say that scrims are not fun? You're obviously not playing with the right team then. o.o
  • People with Honorable Ribbon with the power to not be kicked, I can not see this happening as many people with Honorable Ribbon still hack and if they lost it then they can just simply create a new account to avoid it.

    I don't think people going AFK should deserve a ban though, if they are using a bot on the other hand to do so then that would deserve a ban or something.

    Yeah I get kicked can be really annoying but it can't be helped, play with some friends or clan mates which would help avoid you getting kicked. People get kicked all of the time for the strangest reasons but there is not much that can be done about it.
  • @ everyone talking about brains.. i guess yours dont work properly.. missing the part about the G veteran ribbon - 2 year old account?
    and OH MY ****ING GOD you can report people for hacking/glitching didnt you know? =O
    would improve the game vastly for casual players/people when they want to just relax/level/challenges blah blah and it would give the ribbons some use..
    ' wrote:
    sabba;3743661']How can you say that scrims are not fun? You're obviously not playing with the right team then. o.o

    they are fun.. but when you just wanna **** about, relax, pewpew randoms, only have a small window of time to play (even if its multiple times in the day) etc they just dont satisfy you

    considering how many people play competitively, its fair to assume the majority of players just wanna
    log in --> random room --> random pew pew --> 0 ****s given

    *insert rant about hitler and minorities here*

    when people can see whos an old player etc it should hopefully help improve the quality of gaming for casual players (maybe bringing even more to play a bit more competitively) because they will;
    1) accept the fact you arent cheating/hate you enough to review the replay to report (and learn some basic/intermediate aspects of the game)
    2) know you are an older player (not necessarily an amazing player but have experience and should know whats what about what) and are able to ask questions instead of just hating
    3) again accept the fact that you arent cheating(very unlikely as a lot of old accounts are high rank high zp spenders) and know to beat you they have to improve - hopefully viewing mini youtube tutorials for beginners/intermediates which are made by unappreciated forumers

    @ the guy who posted first- you are a 1.0 kdr pug***** who uses the macro/motto "1 shot 2 kills no haack just skills" -.- you are the sortve player who causes some of these problems

    again just to give you some food for thought (non highly competitive players ofc)
    how many people do you think cheat etc?
    how many of these people do you kick?
    how often do you see the same player kicked?
    how many people do you kick/f11 without really knowing whats going on?
    how many people do you kick/f11 for a silly reason that isnt even kick worthy?
    how many people that cheat/glitch etc (regardless of them doing it blatantly or just being suspicious) do you actually bother reporting when said player is a high rank/older player/high zp user?

    and those questions above, imagine you are the rest of the players you see that play casually and/or dont use the forums.. and imagine what their answers would be -.-

    vote kick is abused its worse than the apparent hacking "problem"

    crossfire isnt a chatroom
    crossfire isnt crosskick
    things need to change
  • I lost my ribbon for posting nudes on this forum. I've never cheated, so making people with ribbons immune to being kicked is just ridiculous.
  • aves89 wrote: »
    you might want to try a new game...like...idk....BARBIES!!!!

    Dude...He`s Right......
    In those Days..CrossFire is The Worst Game Ever....i`m Sorry About Telling That ..But its True......
    if u do 10/0 - U get Kicked Because U Hack...
    if u Kick A Hacker - U get Insulted and Get Kicked...
    If U Don`t Have Friends Or Clan - Ure Completlry Destroyed in this game...
    If Ure Pro.... - Well U Cannot be a Pro....u`ll me Immediatly a Hacker....why?...because u did 3 conseguent headshots..and thats Aimbot...even if u did the last round 2 normal kills....
    uf u use Sound - U are Waller....
    if u aim the enemy and shoot only at him...without missing... - u are No Recoil....

    ive killed someone in GhostMode....with axe..while he was defusing..and he told me i`m SpeedKnife Hack..... i was like O_O.....and then i was kicked....

    This Story must end.....2 years ago..i had pleasure to play in normal Rooms Without Clan Mates Or Friends.....and If i was doing 30/5 god dam........NO BODY EVER MOVED HE`s HAND TO PRESS [esc] and to Kick You......

    So That Guy Shouldn`t Play Barbie...... [GM]Saidin Should Listen ppl ideas....
  • aWmgasm wrote: »
    I lost my ribbon for posting nudes on this forum. I've never cheated, so making people with ribbons immune to being kicked is just ridiculous.

    i did the same and still have it
    guess my soldier is something that should be honored
  • Yeah but not all high ranks/zp spenders hack, some actually play legitimately.. like me for example.

    There's nothing about the kick vote system that will be changed..
    Secondly people who go AFK shouldn't deserve a ban through because that would be just unfair.. what have they done wrong? Sometimes things come up and people have to step away from the computer temporarily. But if somebody is breaking the Term of Services rules now that's a different story, just my two cents.