Brutal? Recruiting

Brutal? is a international Search & Destroy Clan who's looking for skilled players that like to play S&D and having friendly conversations. (:

Our Requirements are:

1. Master sergeant rank or above
2. Good s&d player
3. K/D ratio above 1.25
4. Respect our clan rules

We are climbing in rating fast.

Our rules are pretty simple, if you dont follow them you're out.

1. Don't hack or glitch.
2. Inactive players for more than 2 weeks without posting it will be kicked.
3. Don't act like a kid.
4. Don't do cw unless you are invited by lt or leader.
5. Respect all members and cf players.
6. NO RACISM! We are all equal.

Post here or message us online.

We are looking forward to hear from you guys (: (y)
