Looking to improve your game?

It all starts in the brain. Namely CB1 receptor functionality.

A diet deficient in Omega-3 fatty acids will ruin the integrity of cell membranes, reduce the amount of endogenous cannabinoids produced naturally, and whatever DHA/EPA you do have is unable to bind with the CB1 receptors. It is also linked to schizophrenia.

What does all this mean? It sounds useless and I doubt it will help me play CrossFire better.

When the brain can't function correctly anger or irritation is easily aroused which detaches your though process from the game. The game is alive and to be truly great requires 100% focus to it at all times.

What can I do?
Flame and post how this has no relevance to competitive.


Start taking a tablespoon of flax seed oil daily.

Disclaimer: This is not a magic fix. In fact it will largely go unnoticed. The same way a pot of frogs can be boiled by gradually increasing the heat, so too will your skill set improve over time.
