crossfire be better
hi i'm a crossfire player and i love crossfire very much
iam from egypt and i'm 14 years old
I want to propose a new system that upgrades weapons like m4a1 it's amazing weapon if we add scope and silencer and extra clip it will be more powerful than first but i saw that m4a1 adv and m4a1 with silencer are zp weapons this system can upgrade the weapon with gp not zp this system may make crossfire better than before i want to make crossfire better This proposal
there are many weapons can be upgraded !! the scar light can add a scope and extra clip
m12s can add silencer and extra clip
k-2 can add scope and silencer and extra clip
iam from egypt and i'm 14 years old
I want to propose a new system that upgrades weapons like m4a1 it's amazing weapon if we add scope and silencer and extra clip it will be more powerful than first but i saw that m4a1 adv and m4a1 with silencer are zp weapons this system can upgrade the weapon with gp not zp this system may make crossfire better than before i want to make crossfire better This proposal
there are many weapons can be upgraded !! the scar light can add a scope and extra clip
m12s can add silencer and extra clip
k-2 can add scope and silencer and extra clip
This has been suggested already, and the answer is "no".
Crossfire is not going to adopt the weapon customization that some other games have. The developers are going to bring out their own customized versions.
And no, Crossfire is not going to switch ZP purchases to GP purchases. ZP is what keeps this game free 2 play. If you want a customized gun, you'll have to buy ZP for it. If not, stick to the free GP stuff.
No game gets better from giving everything away for free. Cause people still need to get paid to host and support this game.
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