obtainable melee

There Needs to be an alternative way to get a perm melee other than crates(slaughter tickets is not a option either) something like coupon exchange for 100 coupons or a one off payment of 100000 zp or some way that is guaranteed to get the weapon for the one off payment .crossfire has a really good melee combat system where there are plenty of melees to choose from but only a few people actually are able to have a perm melee weapon to enjoy this unique system. most video games only have a knife so why not show off crossfires awesome melee system .the difficulty of obtaining a perm melee is to high crates just don't allow for a reliable way to get a weapon I have now bought over a total of 300 melee crates and I still have not won a perm melee. Im not saying make every melee easy to get but there needs to be a axe or something obtainable through a non luck system or coupons .ghost mode would become much more popular as a result of this change and this is would be good to shine some light on a really fun and unique game mode that only crossfire has.Back when there use to be a combat axe at 50 coupons pros use to be able to complete there upgraded bag with good melee now people mostly make do with a mediocre knife.I know there will be people saying I can use the knife effectively but that is not the point the majority of people who are not pros at knifing have no chance at beating a axe user.
