A Few Suggestions by Gu!

A Few Suggestions
By Gu

Hello everyone! Today I will be making a few suggestions to the game itself such as interface changes, website changes, and profile changes. I will not be suggesting any guns or new content. These are just suggestions, and if you like them, please add a "+1" for any of my ideas. If there is an idea you are against or do not like, please leave a reply below and explain why you do not like it so I could further understand reasonings for certain things, etc. Apologies to anyone who has made some of these suggestions before.

The suggestions I will be discussing are the following:
  • Honor (Profile)
  • Desertions (Profile)
  • Team kills (Profile)
  • Chat improvements (Interface)
  • Clan Page (Website)

Honor (Profile)
This has been bothering me for a while now. Now for those who don't pay attention to this "honor" system, it's in your profile when you go in-game. When you first create an account on CrossFire, your account is at the honor level of "Average". Honor can be raised to "Good" and "Very Good" by staying in matches through the entire duration of a game. Honor can be decreased to "Bad" and "Very Bad" by leaving games in the middle.

Honor is quite useless because with the amount of hackers these days, everyone is forced to leave once in a while. Most of the people I know have "Bad" or "Very Bad" honor because they just have to leave games! Leaving games is a normal thing and isn't a dishonorable thing to do. Incoming players see this honor though, and think it actually plays a role in a soldier's profile.

"There's an honor system?"
"Nobody cares about the honor once they realize its useless."

My suggestion for this is to remove the "Honor" from profiles because it's quite useless.

Desertions (Profile)
This also ties in with the "honor" system on a player's profile. Desertions happen a lot more nowadays because of an increase in hackers and problems within the game. The amount of desertions a player has doesn't really effect another player's view upon them. Maybe some people can say that a player with quite a bit of desertions "rage quit" a lot, but those leaves could be for any reason.

"Who cares about however many times you leave a game anyways?"
"Yeah its quite useless actually lol"

My suggestion is to remove desertions too.

Team Kills (Profile)
Another thing that I feel is not really needed in the profile of a player in-game is the team kills. This is not as badly useless as the other two, but not useful either. There's no other way of killing a teammate than throwing a grenade at them when they're at low HP so maybe next to grenade kills in the profile add an amount that says how many are team kills? This doesn't actually bother me that much, but its just not that useful.

Nobody is going to say:
"Ohmahgosh you so noop kill teammate all day."

Chat Improvements (Interface)
Everyone has problems with the chat. One great change would be a chat box in the storage. Although suggested many times before, I still think this is a great idea. There are so many occasions where I would go into storage and miss out on something said by clan mates since there is no chat box in storage.

The other issue is the chat sensor. There are way too many things blocked out in chat. Words such as "hacker" shouldn't even be blocked! Its not offensive and its a term that is used very often. People are still getting the same point across when they say "You're a ha.cker."

Other things that should be unblocked should be things such as "fk" because you can't say "AFK" without it showing up as "A??".
Another example would be:
"Lets fini(sh it) now!"
"Lets fini??? now!"
Abbreviations shouldn't be blocked and nobody even really cares if swears are said usually in games.

Clan Page (Website)
Lastly, I'm here to suggest some changes that can be made to the Clan Page to make it better!
In the player search section, there is a checkable box with the ability to search for "Exact Matches." I think this "Exact Match" should be automatically incorporated within the search itself because 99% of the time, people are trying to search for the exact match but they can't find that person because a bunch of random people show up before them.
The exact match should be the 1st result, then the rest should be the other people with similar names.

Example: If you search "xfam0usx", in the player search, a lot of results come up before the actual "xfam0usx" even though he is the one with the exact name and most people who search "xfam0usx" are lookking for him and not his impersonators. He should be first, then all other other fanboys that copy his name!

This suggestion is the same for clan searches. A lot of the time, people search for clans but a lot of random clans with similar names pop up before it. Clans with 3 letter names can't even be found! The only way for my friends to find it now is to go to someone in the clan's profile and click on the clan from there. They should do a clan exact match that is automatically build into the search and then after the first exact match, place all of the other clans.

Thanks everyone for reading my suggestions thread! This was quite long, but there are quite a bit of suggestions and I didn't want to be clogging up the "New Posts" feed with all of my suggestions in different threads.
-Please note quotes are from clan mates and players in-game-


  • Good ideas but probably won't happen.
    +1 anyways
  • Honor/desertions/team - i dont see why they should be removed, yes they are useless, but still...

    Chat box in storage +100 Should be in blackmarket/itemshop too.

    Censor filter can be really annoying when you see ''???'' in a middle of your sentence. But we need it even tho its easy to bypass it.

    Lastly, clan pages needs some improvements so +1
  • I_zZ wrote: »
    Honor/desertions/team - i dont see why they should be removed, yes they are useless, but still...

    B-b-bbut honor is so useless!
  • M_Nii wrote: »
    +1 to lazy to read

    Then why are you posting?
  • good idea, i'd prefer they'd deal with cheats then remove useless stuff.
    I like the concepts, but priorities.
    The censoring is really grinding my gears, but it's needed just in case people by pass censor, though on the other hand, it's really easy to bypass censor.
    The chatbox in storage, great idea! I'd love that!

    Good work Gu, Good work.
  • I_zZ wrote: »
    Honor/desertions/team - i dont see why they should be removed, yes they are useless, but still...

    Chat box in storage +100 Should be in blackmarket/itemshop too.

    Censor filter can be really annoying when you see ''???'' in a middle of your sentence. But we need it even tho its easy to bypass it.

    Lastly, clan pages needs some improvements so +1

    I have to agree with I_zZ. Honor, Desertions and team killing is all pointless but I do not think they should be removed. Chat improvements should definitely be fixed because it can be such a pain when your talking with your friends and then suddenly your blocked with ???. Clan pages are kinda always having problems, I agree with you there.
  • CFGu wrote: »
    A Few Suggestions
    By Gu

    Hello everyone! Today I will be making a few suggestions to the game itself such as interface changes, website changes, and profile changes. I will not be suggesting any guns or new content. These are just suggestions, and if you like them, please add a "+1" for any of my ideas. If there is an idea you are against or do not like, please leave a reply below and explain why you do not like it so I could further understand reasonings for certain things, etc. Apologies to anyone who has made some of these suggestions before.

    The suggestions I will be discussing are the following:
    • Honor (Profile)
    • Desertions (Profile)
    • Team kills (Profile)
    • Chat improvements (Interface)
    • Clan Page (Website)

    Honor (Profile)
    This has been bothering me for a while now. Now for those who don't pay attention to this "honor" system, it's in your profile when you go in-game. When you first create an account on CrossFire, your account is at the honor level of "Average". Honor can be raised to "Good" and "Very Good" by staying in matches through the entire duration of a game. Honor can be decreased to "Bad" and "Very Bad" by leaving games in the middle.

    Honor is quite useless because with the amount of hackers these days, everyone is forced to leave once in a while. Most of the people I know have "Bad" or "Very Bad" honor because they just have to leave games! Leaving games is a normal thing and isn't a dishonorable thing to do. Incoming players see this honor though, and think it actually plays a role in a soldier's profile.

    "There's an honor system?"
    "Nobody cares about the honor once they realize its useless."

    My suggestion for this is to remove the "Honor" from profiles because it's quite useless.

    Desertions (Profile)
    This also ties in with the "honor" system on a player's profile. Desertions happen a lot more nowadays because of an increase in hackers and problems within the game. The amount of desertions a player has doesn't really effect another player's view upon them. Maybe some people can say that a player with quite a bit of desertions "rage quit" a lot, but those leaves could be for any reason.

    "Who cares about however many times you leave a game anyways?"
    "Yeah its quite useless actually lol"

    My suggestion is to remove desertions too.

    Team Kills (Profile)
    Another thing that I feel is not really needed in the profile of a player in-game is the team kills. This is not as badly useless as the other two, but not useful either. There's no other way of killing a teammate than throwing a grenade at them when they're at low HP so maybe next to grenade kills in the profile add an amount that says how many are team kills? This doesn't actually bother me that much, but its just not that useful.

    Nobody is going to say:
    "Ohmahgosh you so noop kill teammate all day."

    I really don't mind these
    CFGu wrote: »
    Chat Improvements (Interface)
    Everyone has problems with the chat. One great change would be a chat box in the storage. Although suggested many times before, I still think this is a great idea. There are so many occasions where I would go into storage and miss out on something said by clan mates since there is no chat box in storage.

    Definetly +1
    CFGu wrote: »
    The other issue is the chat sensor. There are way too many things blocked out in chat. Words such as "hacker" shouldn't even be blocked! Its not offensive and its a term that is used very often. People are still getting the same point across when they say "You're a ha.cker."

    Other things that should be unblocked should be things such as "fk" because you can't say "AFK" without it showing up as "A??".
    Another example would be:
    "Lets fini(sh it) now!"
    "Lets fini??? now!"
    Abbreviations shouldn't be blocked and nobody even really cares if swears are said usually in games.

    Some chat updates would be nice if possible
    CFGu wrote: »
    Clan Page (Website)
    Lastly, I'm here to suggest some changes that can be made to the Clan Page to make it better!
    In the player search section, there is a checkable box with the ability to search for "Exact Matches." I think this "Exact Match" should be automatically incorporated within the search itself because 99% of the time, people are trying to search for the exact match but they can't find that person because a bunch of random people show up before them.
    The exact match should be the 1st result, then the rest should be the other people with similar names.

    Example: If you search "xfam0usx", in the player search, a lot of results come up before the actual "xfam0usx" even though he is the one with the exact name and most people who search "xfam0usx" are lookking for him and not his impersonators. He should be first, then all other other fanboys that copy his name!
    If you know the exact name then couldn't you type it in? But this wouldn't hurt. +1

    This suggestion is the same for clan searches. A lot of the time, people search for clans but a lot of random clans with similar names pop up before it. Clans with 3 letter names can't even be found! The only way for my friends to find it now is to go to someone in the clan's profile and click on the clan from there. They should do a clan exact match that is automatically build into the search and then after the first exact match, place all of the other clans.

    100% +1. This can get quite frustrating at times.
    CFGu wrote: »
    Thanks everyone for reading my suggestions thread! This was quite long, but there are quite a bit of suggestions and I didn't want to be clogging up the "New Posts" feed with all of my suggestions in different threads.
    -Please note quotes are from clan mates and players in-game-
  • Speculate wrote: »
    I really don't mind these

    Definetly +1

    Some chat updates would be nice if possible

    100% +1. This can get quite frustrating at times.

    Thank you for your feedback :)
    Truecore wrote: »
    I have to agree with I_zZ. Honor, Desertions and team killing is all pointless but I do not think they should be removed. Chat improvements should definitely be fixed because it can be such a pain when your talking with your friends and then suddenly your blocked with ???. Clan pages are kinda always having problems, I agree with you there.

    The only thing that really bothers me is the honor. The team kills and desertions, not really but the honor is just bad. New players come in the game and see high ranks with "Very Bad" honor and think it means something...
    CFSir wrote: »
    good idea, i'd prefer they'd deal with cheats then remove useless stuff.
    I like the concepts, but priorities.
    The censoring is really grinding my gears, but it's needed just in case people by pass censor, though on the other hand, it's really easy to bypass censor.
    The chatbox in storage, great idea! I'd love that!

    Good work Gu, Good work.

    Yes of course I also agree that there are priorities. These come after they fix of servers/hackers of course!
  • Along with your chat improvements idea's Gu, I'd like to add the chat box in spectator mode (for spectators only ofc).
  • CFGu wrote: »
    The only thing that really bothers me is the honor. The team kills and desertions, not really but the honor is just bad. New players come in the game and see high ranks with "Very Bad" honor and think it means something...

    You can always create a new account and just rarely leave a game so your honor stays the same. To be honest I could not care about honor the slightest because no one talks about it or cares about it. I know there are still a few people that do but yeah.
  • CFGu wrote: »
    A Few Suggestions
    By Gu

    Clan Page (Website)
    Lastly, I'm here to suggest some changes that can be made to the Clan Page to make it better!
    In the player search section, there is a checkable box with the ability to search for "Exact Matches." I think this "Exact Match" should be automatically incorporated within the search itself because 99% of the time, people are trying to search for the exact match but they can't find that person because a bunch of random people show up before them.
    The exact match should be the 1st result, then the rest should be the other people with similar names.

    Example: If you search "xfam0usx", in the player search, a lot of results come up before the actual "xfam0usx" even though he is the one with the exact name and most people who search "xfam0usx" are lookking for him and not his impersonators. He should be first, then all other other fanboys that copy his name!

    There was something like this before, idk why they change it tho. It is not the same as you suggested but it was useful. There was something called on the top "Highest Kills","Highest Rank." But they removed, and now searching for someone is pretty annoying
  • Grabster wrote: »


    LOL YES. Representing Asians on CrossFire!
  • Honor (Profile)/ +1
    Desertions (Profile)/ +1
    Team kills (Profile) / Do not care
    Chat improvements (Interface)/ Do not care
    Clan Page (Website)/ +1

    so: +1 i like...
  • Audrius0 wrote: »
    Honor (Profile)/ +1
    Desertions (Profile)/ +1
    Team kills (Profile) / Do not care
    Chat improvements (Interface)/ Do not care
    Clan Page (Website)/ +1

    so: +1 i like...

    Thank you for your feedback!
  • liumang007 wrote: »
    the real CrossFire fans enjoy the game!

    What? D: lol I don't get it.
  • For the clan page I think there should be a better messaging system. Not everyone gets on the forums, and players should be able to message each other through the clan page.

    *like the messaging in-game, but on the website o_o
  • lBanned wrote: »
    For the clan page I think there should be a better messaging system. Not everyone gets on the forums, and players should be able to message each other through the clan page.

    *like the messaging in-game, but on the website o_o

    Sounds like a pretty cool idea actually :D
  • lBanned wrote: »
    For the clan page I think there should be a better messaging system. Not everyone gets on the forums, and players should be able to message each other through the clan page.

    *like the messaging in-game, but on the website o_o

    I like the idea :D There should also be a shout box
  • i agree with everything besides the last point.

    is it really that frustrating to take 0.1 second of your time to check the "exact matches" tab before searching?
  • *..* [email]enjoyintomacrospamatdesertation.kidsfo[/email]rownsake ... and well when such words or even lines hurt them ... there is something wrong with their mental lability *..*

    btw who cares about desertation ... enjoy

    +1 for shoutbox
  • liumang007 wrote: »
    the real CrossFire fans enjoy the game!

    As well as helping Z8 make the game better.
    Please go be stupid somewhere else - Giggletron
  • dTx_ra1ncL wrote: »
    i agree with everything besides the last point.

    is it really that frustrating to take 0.1 second of your time to check the "exact matches" tab before searching?

    All I'm trying to say is that "exact match" should be automatically built into the site for clan searches and if they do that, they might as well do the same for player searches.

    If you search "Win", my clan I am leading, we will not come up in the top 50 results of the clan search.
    The only way to reach my clan "Win", is if you go to my profile and click on the clan from there. 99% of the time, applying members can't find the clan page and I am forced to link them myself.

    The suggestion is just to make the clan page more efficient, I'm not lazy whatsoever.
  • +1 for chat improvements i don't know why we can't say hacker in the game yet on the forums its clean
  • Aproclis53 wrote: »
    +1 for chat improvements i don't know why we can't say hacker in the game yet on the forums its clean

    Thanks for you feedback :]
  • +1 Honor

    The honor system should be changed like Gu said
  • The honor system should be changed like Gu said

    Thank you for your feedback.