My girlfriend said this xD @PlayteX

Earlier today day I told her my team was playing PlayteX, an all girl team.. She said "What is PlayteX?" (I guess that brand of Lady product isn't available in Canada)

Her: "Josh, didn't you say you have a competitive match?"

Me: "Yeah, I decided to skip it so I could talk to you"

Her: "What?!"

Her: "When are you supposed to play?"

Me: "It's going on right now"

Me: "Yeah, I skipped it so I could talk to you babe"

Her: "But I thought you wanted to play the Tampon people"


Btw, I just wanted to say, that this is my first time playing in a competitive match, so I'm pretty excited, I've been in E8 for a while, but I never took a huge interest in being S5 of a team (Didn't like the stress the game gave me) But now being on the S5 of WelFare, I'm excited to actually play in something that's not just a scrim.

That being said, what do you guys think about WelFare's bracket? Any trolls will just be ignored. Don't waste your time.
