Advanced Zombie Mode

my suggestion - new Zombie mode.
Game mode: assault + survive (players must destroy target and survive to get reward).
Difficult: medium (30 rounds) and hard (40 rounds)
Quantity of players: 4 teams in medium mode and 5 teams - in hard.
Quantity of team: 4 players in every team, 1 of them carry C4 explosion.
Conditions of the mode:
No medikits or extra lifes. Only 1 life.
Every team have a own way to target. But, when team member is died, somebody from another teams can join to the team.
When player with C4 is died, somebody from the team must get C4. Or all team can't complete the mission.
Rewards: EXP and GP, boosts, permanent weapons (not from crate, any user can get any weapons to that mode, any users can get weapon from the teammate, who was died, AND, IF he completed that mission - he must get that weapon as permanent. Player, who don't complete mission - don't lose his weapon).

PS voting system in that mode must be turned off.
