We should be able to see when we are getting kicked

we should be able to see who is kicking us and why, what's there to hide?


  • It'll end in retaliation constantly.

    Once the guy gets kicked he might end up harassing the person who kicked him.

    I only believe we should be able to see if we are getting kicked, just disclose the information such as who did it.
  • You can press "Esc" and see whether or not you're getting kicked?

    Imo you shouldn't need to even know the reason you're being kicked for. It's pretty much "basic knowledge" now. People kick for the most ridiculous reasons ever. They kick legitimate players for a reason such as hacking, the first reason that appears selectable to them. I really doubt a lot of people take time to think and choose the right reason. Obviously, that doesn't happen as often.

    You should know by now that vote kicking is just a daily performed action now. Vote-kick abuse has been ongoing for several month, if not years. This suggetion has been brought up before I believe. There is really nothing to reveal, neither to hide from the victim. But, it's just unnecessary for there to be another feature added in front of ourselves when we're getting voted.
  • Meh I was gonna just state press "Esc" like what Fizzeq said... But he went on in greater detail which I just lightly glossed over. No offense fizzyq.
  • Ever noticed how people say "[Name of ACE] tried to kick you [random team member of ACE]" just so [random team member of ACE] would try to kick the ACE. Even if the ACE didn't attempt to kick anyone, 9 out of 10 a kick vote will start against him.

    Now imagine that everyone can see who attempted to kick them. It will just end in a wave of revenge kicks as Frozen said.
  • You should be able to see when and even who, I wouldn't mind my name being attached to a kick vote because I only kick people that deserve it and I will actually tell the person anyway.

    Also this would put a lot of players at easy rather that constantly checking escape, also it is useful for abuse as you can boot them afterwards.
    It'll end in retaliation constantly.

    Once the guy gets kicked he might end up harassing the person who kicked him.

    I only believe we should be able to see if we are getting kicked, just disclose the information such as who did it.

    Then you can report them for harassment.
  • Phillybear wrote: »
    Now imagine that everyone can see who attempted to kick them. It will just end in a wave of revenge kicks as Frozen said.
    Maybe so, but it would make proving repeated kick-vote abuse easier.

    However, the main problem with this idea is, hackers leaving and re-entering the game when they are being kick-voted. This is the reason why they removed the kick-vote pop-up from the player's screen when he's being kicked.
  • As long as the kick is approved they can't rejoin^
  • Chimpzz wrote: »
    As long as the kick is approved they can't rejoin^

    From my experience, many players start to hit f12 once the subject has already left the room, "out of sight, out of mind"-style.

    I would like to see when there's a vote against me. I personally don't need to know who did it, but a general notification would be nice.

    best regards,
  • Frecklez wrote: »
    Maybe so, but it would make proving repeated kick-vote abuse easier.

    However, the main problem with this idea is, hackers leaving and re-entering the game when they are being kick-voted. This is the reason why they removed the kick-vote pop-up from the player's screen when he's being kicked.

    that makes tons of disturbing sense :D
    OT: i would like to see who tried to kick me
  • Urkel2005 wrote: »
    From my experience, many players start to hit f12 once the subject has already left the room, "out of sight, out of mind"-style.

    Well we can't fix stupid. That is why the kick vote system is the way it currently is.

    Why would anyone f12 an hacker at all, even if he left the room? Why not just not press anything?

    Also all of these bs kicks go on in secret with the kickers identity hidden and that is what makes kicking so easy, anonymous and beneficial to the kicker. With seeing the IGN you can challenge them "Hey Pablo why did you kick me?" and I bet Pablo would have no answer and would think twice before issuing more knowling useless kicks.
  • Chimpzz wrote: »
    Why would anyone f12 an hacker at all, even if he left the room? Why not just not press anything?
    It's not so much that they press F12 when the hacker leaves the room as it is that they just don't bother to press anything, making them vote F12 by default.

    You have 3 types of players in this game:
    1. the player that always presses F11, even when the vote is bogus.

    2. the player that presses F12 or doesn't bother pressing anything at all, even when there is an obvious hacker ruining the game.

    3. the player that presses F12, unless he has seen the person being kicked acting suspicious.

    Unfortunately, type 3 is a small minority, and even they can be wrong sometimes.
  • Frecklez wrote: »
    It's not so much that they press F12 when the hacker leaves the room as it is that they just don't bother to press anything, making them vote F12 by default.

    You have 3 types of players in this game:
    1. the player that always presses F11, even when the vote is bogus.

    2. the player that presses F12 or doesn't bother pressing anything at all, even when there is an obvious hacker ruining the game.

    3. the player that presses F12, unless he has seen the person being kicked acting suspicious.

    Unfortunately, type 3 is a small minority, and even they can be wrong sometimes.

    4. Players that don't press anything unless he has seen the person being kicked acting suspicious.