Weapon Limitations.

Hey guys, I am not sure if this has been done before but I think weapon limitations should be added when you want to create a new room. Players can decide what weapons should and shouldn't be allowed within the room. Many players would think this would be a good idea so it stops them complaining about these "noob" players.

The bad side I think of this would be that players could limit all weapons so you would have to use an M16, I am not sure how they can get around that. I think maybe they can have up to 5-10 guns removed from a new game creation. Again for the bad side but some people would disagree with this mainly because if you only have the annoying and frustrating weapons then you cannot really do much about it.

Let me know what you think and go from there.


  • So it would take 10 minutes to find a room which allows me to use my K2?

    Only agree with that if they´d do a special Channel for that.
  • We could always add it into the search options, so if you want to find the room that allows K-2, use the search to find all rooms allowing the K-2. I haven't really got any other ideas but this is what I have at the moment.
  • I'm just going to quote myself here:
    Urkel2005 wrote: »
    Every player should be able to bring the weapon of his choice into a room. Now all the so-called "skilled" players who deliberately chose to play with weapons that are not easy to play with come and say "those nooby weapons mustn't be allowed, they ruin our gameplay".
    The truth is: these weapons are not nooby, they're just plain powerful (sometimes a bit too much, but that is just fair in the light of many ZP weapons) and the community should be glad that some of these weapons are easily available. And just because some players who WANTED to play with hard-to-control weapons might now be enraged and regret their decision for the sake of so-called "skill" (which just is self-imposed restriction which no one forced upon them but themselves), these weapons shouln't be discriminated against.

    Now I know how it feels to get killed by a noob who just got an M12S from the shop or from crates, and sometimes I would very much like to kick them instantly. This however, would not be fair.

    The problem is that many people in the player community simply can't handle getting killed, everybody just rages and instead of blaming themselves for not being fast or accurate enough, they blame the player who was just more accurate/fast/lucky. And if you achieve this accuracy/speed/luck by using a certain weapon and not by honing your "skills", I'm fine with that.
    The reason above also is why I don't play FFA games anymore. Everytime you get a good streak in a pub, you get kicked really fast because someone tries to vent off his/her steam that way.

    I can however understand the point for modes like GM, where MGs are not necessarily the best choice. Still, I'm against this idea for the reason above: no weapon should be discriminated against in a free mode.
    If you have noobs destroying your gameplay, talk to them. If they don't listen, kick them.

    Of course I don't want to speak against the "... only" option as this just restricts the game to a weapon class in which there still is enough variety.

    best regards,

    There you go. The idea is discrimination. If you can't get down from your high horse of "skill", you got to live with the fact that not everybody wants to follow your self-imposed rules.

    best regards,
  • No, just 5000% never going to happen.

  • Urkel2005 wrote: »
    I'm just going to quote myself here:

    There you go. The idea is discrimination. If you can't get down from your high horse of "skill", you got to live with the fact that not everybody wants to follow your self-imposed rules.

    best regards,
    If you don't like the rules of a room, find another or make your own. However, certain matches would benefit greatly from such an option, like ghost mode for example. Where the use of certain weapons can lead to unbalancing the game.
  • Frecklez wrote: »
    If you don't like the rules of a room, find another or make your own. However, certain matches would benefit greatly from such an option, like ghost mode for example. Where the use of certain weapons can lead to unbalancing the game.

    I'm pretty sure of that, especially when it comes to GM. Of course one could now throw at me that I can't tell how bad it is because I rarely play GM (and if at all only as BL).
    So while GM may be an exception about which one must talk seperately, I'm against the ability to limit weapon choice for rooms generally. I don't think one should anyhow limit the right of a player to use whatever he wants to use or has to use (maybe because he saved all his GP for that one weapon) in a game.
    Abuse or intentional trolling will always occur, no matter what rules you set. In the end, I don't think the game should have to make up for immature or destructive players.

    I believe anyway that some more IP restrictions or a company to host a new CF version in certain parts of the world would lead to more improvements in-game than limiting weapon choice ever would.

    best regards,
  • For GM I could see 1 modification - "NO Machine Guns" = less sprayers :]
    about the rest... I do not see a point for gun limitation.
  • Urkel2005 wrote: »
    I'm pretty sure of that, especially when it comes to GM. Of course one could now throw at me that I can't tell how bad it is because I rarely play GM (and if at all only as BL).
    So while GM may be an exception about which one must talk seperately, I'm against the ability to limit weapon choice for rooms generally. I don't think one should anyhow limit the right of a player to use whatever he wants to use or has to use (maybe because he saved all his GP for that one weapon) in a game.
    Abuse or intentional trolling will always occur, no matter what rules you set. In the end, I don't think the game should have to make up for immature or destructive players.

    I believe anyway that some more IP restrictions or a company to host a new CF version in certain parts of the world would lead to more improvements in-game than limiting weapon choice ever would.

    best regards,
    How is this weapon limitation any different from sniper-, shotgun-, pistol-, or melee-only modes? You consider these modes also discriminating against players? Cause this idea is exactly the same as these modes. A lot of players have been wanting to play according competitive rules, using only guns that are allowed in official competitive games. This option would be able to do just that.

    Any player that enters a weapon limited room, knows he should check his bags to see all guns he has in them are lit up. If not, he can choose to change that gun, or leave the room if he really wants to use it. It's as simple as that. It will not lead to all rooms being made weapon limited rooms, cause most of us couldn't care less if the opposing side is all using their M12s or Scar light.
  • Frecklez wrote: »
    How is this weapon limitation any different from sniper-, shotgun-, pistol-, or melee-only modes? You consider these modes also discriminating against players? Cause this idea is exactly the same as these modes. A lot of players have been wanting to play according competitive rules, using only guns that are allowed in official competitive games. This option would be able to do just that.

    Any player that enters a weapon limited room, knows he should check his bags to see all guns he has in them are lit up. If not, he can choose to change that gun, or leave the room if he really wants to use it. It's as simple as that. It will not lead to all rooms being made weapon limited rooms, cause most of us couldn't care less if the opposing side is all using their M12s or Scar light.

    One thing first:
    I'm not against weapon-class-specific modes. I actually enjoy playing pistol, shotgun and melee games from time to time myself, I'm just no sniper.

    One could argue that the "weapon class only" modes are discrimintaing, too. However, I see differences between that and an ability to individually exclude weapons:

    You have weapons for all but one mode right from the start (Knife and M700) or can get them for free (USP). The only mode of these not accessible to a player right from the start is shotgun mode. One could say that this is discrimination, yes. But even if it is, there is a huge difference between this and the discrimination evolving from being able to exclude individual weapons from a room.
    While "weapon class only" are only denied to you if you don't have a weapon of the class, the option discussed here could lead to players not being able just because they actually have and like to play with a certain weapon.
    And these players would be denied playing wherever they want just because some person can't get down from their high horse of "skill" and understand that they mustn't force other people into playing according to their rules.
    Everybody should be able to choose for himself what weapon he uses, and an idividual exclusion option could endanger that.

    The point where you believe that many people wouldn't care for M12s and Scar Lights in their room is where our opinions depart. With many players blaming their opponents for using a certain weapon or hackusating everytime they get killed, I'm rather pessimistic about the situation.
    There is almost no TD game (I'm excluding weapon-specific modes here) where you don't see someone calling their killer "M12 noob" or "Scar Light noob", while they should actually either blame themselves for not being fast enough or for not using a more comfortable weapon. If those people were given the power to exclude weapons, I guess most of them would actually use it.

    Of course, I won't deny that the point about being able to only allow weapons according to a certain tournament ruleset just by checking a box seems reasonable and would make life easier. Actually, I would not be against such an option that clearly says "ruleset X only". What bothers me would be a room saying i.e. "everything except M12, Scar Light and X".

    And I also acknowledge the fact that soundgaming in GM is incredibly hard if not impossible when there are players just spraying around with an MG or a loud weapon.
    The thing is: this problem is due to the players, not due to these weapons. I already said before that trolling and abuse will always happen and the game should not be made responsible for making up for that.

    To me it's just important that it doesn't become possible to generally ostracize certain weapons that are considered nooby by many players labelling themselves "pro". Some GP weapons may be overpowered, but I just can't understand why people aren't just grateful that they got such a good weapon for GP and have to condemn that weapon instead.

    best regards,