Bp mall solution

Many players have alot of bp and don't know what to do with it. Please implement some items in the bp mall. My Ideas are:

-Shock absorber 7 days 2100 bp ; 30 days 5900 bp
-Muzzle flames 7 days 1800 bp ; 30 days 5000 bp
-Set name colour 7 days 1800 bp ; 30 days 5000 bp
-Set chat colour 7 days 1800 bp ; 30 days 5000 bp
-Extra Mission 2400 bp
-Smoke Protection 7 days 2100 bp ; 30 days 5900 bp
-Mutation Grenade 7 days 2900 bp ; 30 days 6400 bp
-Mutation Spike 7 days 2300 bp ; 30 days 6000 bp
-Mutation Jacket 7 days 2300 bp ; 30 days 6000 bp
-Revive Token 1000 bp

These Items are under used and not over powered. noone would actually buy these for zp.
I think if our community support this enough, there is a chance for us to waste our bp :)
