A better way to aviod ha.ck



  • Another one trying to reinvent the wheel.

    No...just no.

    People with honorable soldier ribbons aren't always honorable players. Some are just hackers who haven't been caught yet. And some who have lost their honorable soldier ribbon due to hack detection have not lost it because they were actually hacking, but just had software running that conflicted with Xtrap.

    This "flag" system will just create a false bias that gives people an excuse to abuse kick-vote. Nothing more. You're suppose to kick people who you have proof of that they are hacking or otherwise breaking the rules or disrupting the game. Not because of possible past discretions.
  • iC00kiez wrote: »
    Excuse me but how hackers bring z8 cash?
    Hacker=not happy players
    Not happy players= rage quit CF
    Rage quit CF=never buy zp again

    Seriously, stop thinking z8 is lazy...they're not,they do work, but in a discreet way but u never notcie.
    Do u know how long it takes to fix a server??

    Well why do you think they only ban accounts rather that even try to ban a hacker perma?

    Because they don't want to lose a possible ZP buyer.
  • Chimpzz wrote: »
    Well why do you think they only ban accounts rather that even try to ban a hacker perma?

    Because they don't want to lose a possible ZP buyer.
    No. It's because permanent banning hackers is virtually impossible because there is software out there that they can use to get around those permanent bans.
  • Frecklez wrote: »
    No. It's because permanent banning hackers is virtually impossible because there is software out there that they can use to get around those permanent bans.

    Despite this an IP ban would make it harder for people to bypass the ban without having a little bit of computer knowledge. I see no harm in it.
  • Frecklez wrote: »
    No. It's because permanent banning hackers is virtually impossible because there is software out there that they can use to get around those permanent bans.

    So because some can bypass it, lets not bother?

    Using that logic:

    Why bother having an anti hack such as x-trap or patching hacks when more will come out anyway?

    I bet Saidin doesn't leave his front door unlocked and windows open and car unlocked just because a burglar can get in anyway.

    The argument not to IP ban is just lame and illogical it's only logical when you know what it's actually all about.
    Demoniite wrote: »
    Despite this an IP ban would make it harder for people to bypass the ban without having a little bit of computer knowledge. I see no harm in it.

    And ofc some won't even try, they just say I'm banned perma, new game.
  • Demoniite wrote: »
    Despite this an IP ban would make it harder for people to bypass the ban without having a little bit of computer knowledge. I see no harm in it.
    I came to have about zero knowledge about computers, and even I can use google to find me a ghost-ip making program on the net. So if a hacker can find himself a hack-engine to use for this game, he can find a program to get around an IP ban. Hell! He can even ask on the same forum where he got his hack on how to do it. So IP banning is completely worthless.

    Worse yet, it is most likely going to hurt more innocent people, than the hardened hackers you would want to see banned.
    Chimpzz wrote: »
    And ofc some won't even try, they just say I'm banned perma, new game.
    Yeah, for that's what happened with people like Tasty Limes. IP banned more than once and up to his usual tricks 5 minutes later with a new IP and a new account.

    A hardened hacker isn't using hacks because he can't be as good without them. He uses them because he gets a kick out of seeing people rage over the fact that he's ruining their game.

    I've known Tasty Limes since my Counter Strike days, and he has always been hacking. In fact, there he was openly promoting hacking on the Counter Strike forum. People like that don't just move on to the next game unless they grow bored with ruining the game they are in.
  • Frecklez wrote: »
    I came to have about zero knownledge about comuters, and even I can use google to find me a ghost-ip making program on the net. So if a hacker can find himself a hack-engine to use for this game, he can find a program to get around an IP ban. Hell! He can even ask on the same forum where he got his hack on how to do it. So IP banning is completely worthless.

    Worse yet, it is most likely going to hurt more innocent people, than the hardened hackers you would want to see banned.

    Yeah, for that's what happened with people like Tasty Limes. IP banned more than once and up to his usual tricks 5 minutes later with a new IP and a new account.

    A hardened hacker isn't using hacks because he can't be as good without them. He uses them because he gets a kick out of seeing people rage over the fact that he's ruining their game.

    I've known Tasty Limes since my Counter Strike days, and he has always been hacking. In fact, there he was openly promoting hacking on the Counter Strike forum. People like that don't just move on to the next game unless they grow bored with ruining the game they are in.

    If IP banning didn't work this forum would be swamped with hate posts, I'm sure you know this. Ip banning is very effective but not perfect like everything.

    I'm also sure that you know that there is also a limit on how many IP changes there are available, there really aren't that many free ones that work properly or aren't limited in some way.

    Also IP changers/VPNs are limited to the amount of location IP's they offer and with say Hide IP easy offering 50-100 IP's to use within it's program how long do you think that will last the player base?

    Remember when "AhmedEgyptPro" is banned and uses hide IP easy that IP that he used of say the UK is banned, that means for everyone else using "Hide IP easy" that IP is blocked. With limited IP's it would take about 1 day for Hide IP easy to have every IP of theirs blocked.
  • Chimpzz wrote: »
    Well why do you think they only ban accounts rather that even try to ban a hacker perma?

    Because they don't want to lose a possible ZP buyer.

    If they wanted zp buyers: first of all, they wouldnt have the ip ban (if u were caught hacking/negative attitude, ur ip wont be able to create new accounts)
    If they wanted money,money and money, y would they put this up in the first place
  • iC00kiez wrote: »
    If they wanted zp buyers: first of all, they wouldnt have the ip ban (if u were caught hacking/negative attitude, ur ip wont be able to create new accounts)
    If they wanted money,money and money, y would they put this up in the first place

    That is the truth right there.

    That is why auto bans are the way they are with multiple chances just of blocking an account (not even a 'ban').

    They hope people change their ways and become a customer, regardless of their behaviour.

    One example where this would help is:

    I know people that hack on alt's and they hack a lot, every time a hack is out a certain guy has it. His alt accounts get blocked from time to time for some days but he continues on with what he does, which is creating alts and hacking.

    There is nothing effective at all to stop him and his main account is safe.

    With IP bans in place and the knowledge IP's are checked I'm pretty sure he would stop hacking.
  • WillSu wrote: »
    A new Flag system, beside ur name in the game.(just like VIP logo)
    which means:
    A green flag for ppl who own Honorable ribbon.
    A yellow flag for ppl swearing or pay issue.
    A red flag for ppl who were using ha.ck tool etc.
    So we kno who was a ha.ck, and kik them right away.

    And also we should able creat a room only allow green flag and yellow flag in.
    just like add one more check box as ha.ck free mode (like shootgun mode , but now its ha.ck free mode)
    Plus after 1 yr, if that account did nothing wrong, they will gain their honorable ribbon back.
    give everybody a chance to play legit.

    by this way. ha.ck wont play in game anymore.

    how u guys think?

    If z8 Game take my ideas , Can u guys plz give me some free zp as reward !!!

    I have 2 notice :

    1- some hackers still have their honorable soldier Ribbon

    2-maybe a hacker will learn his lesson from his first ban and he will just learn how to play good and when he face noobs he will kill them easily and they will kick him because he got banned before for using hack while he dose not used it this time :(