Competitive Community xFire List

xFire groups come and go, forum threads last forever.

Please feel free to post in this thread with your xFire and online moniker. I'll update the list as much as I can, but even if I die in a freak pterodactyl accident people can still check for xFire in the thread's posts.

If you want your xFire removed from the list for w/e reason, just ask.
Name - xFire info
Aero - itwywilyhawd
Aielva. - mestek1
Andre. - crankdatsht
andrew - ldiego1l
Anoke - aeyrn
aph0tic - twachromestriker
AYCE - sathyk
Beatz - imrx
Ben - xbonifahx
Briisk. - briisk
ButtFlaper - 161372
Carlos - odmcarlos
Castiel_ - castielthe5kgod
Chance- - chanceypoo
chris - lillchristo2
ck aka chris - xxkazxx
CnK aka froztee - froztee1
Conrad - dasconrad
CowMOO? / CowMOOOO. - cfcowmoo
CRAZEDDD - scaryfacee96
DAN - daniel8747
DEEZY - retrospect95
DELLZOR - xlpz
Denxi - colossalkoala
drel - dough4
Erick - cool2850
ESGDavid - eslmasta
Exquisite* - iamatyrant
fallout - falloutcf
Gu - crossfiregu
H8BEINGSOBER aka blackout - blackoutcf
Ha - cfasmatic1
head - bkz1stnubz
.headshotz - vhin15
Henry - henrylee21
Hero.* - lebronking1
ImRichie - imrichie
-IPEEZ - ohyeahplayer321
i[P]hantom. - thewhitekenyan
joshwah. - xjoshieboox
Juantap aka Nubaim60641 - tosn1ghtm4r3
Jynx - shock3r11
Kazuko - lancethepants
KeLP - kelp122
konrad - konradv2
LK - bqtonlyou
-LOGIC - duder7337
Louie - bananawax
lundb aka delaware - shhhhnoobie
minh - minhmcn
MiniWrecker - reflexxes
MNii aka J.Staff - jstaffcf
NesTea - ateardrop
Nick - ocgnick
Nisi - theshoegame
vnCookie - oxcookiexo
OCG Evan - ocgevan
OCG Trace - traceokuhn
OOOFii? - dutchovers
PimpDemNikes - arcytommy
Proven - crimssssson
ra1n.cL - coffeemugs
RAYMOND - Sparklit11
riight - dallanokv
Ryangi - ryangi
Sage - jfr3sha12
Shelleyy. - tsukiumii
Slaya - cmdxslaykip
Snitchez - snitchezthebest
Snoopy - golfergag
Swoopz - swpz
Tori aka AIMRIOT - torispelling
Tyze - tyzecf
vizion - muthafuknkoolkid
WAHAMMA - wahamma
-wD]*GEORGE* - wannadiewannadie
WILLOFGOD - aestheticbeast
w0rthy - kris8144
Xistenz - xistenz01
xpl0sive_ - smexybeast1
y3k0m5 - xlaurax
Zzxq - zzxq
