We're a new team with players that have played with each other before. We will need 2 riflers for s5 and maybe 1 or 2 subs.

Current Team:
s5: VIRTUE, DAN, inFate, TBA, TBA
Subs: JayC., TBA

What we're looking for:
- Decent Aim
- Decent Gamesense
- Active
- Respectful (Don't sht talk others)
- Team Player (Don't bait for "carrying")
- Can Take Criticism (The team will tell you what you're doing wrong and how to fix it)
- No High Egos (It's honestly just annoying)
- Can Run Mumble/Bandicam/OCG AC (Bandicam can be replaced with other recording software)
- Communication
- The Desire To Win It All

If you think you have it all, we'd be happy to try you out ;)

1) Apply to the team saying you're trying out
2) Scrim with us a couple times
3) We'll tell you the results after a couple of scrims
