Not high enough level to buy ZP even though I am?
When I go to purchase ZP for Crossfire it says my characters are waiting for me to level up more. You must be at least level 6 to purchase ZP for your character.
I'm much higher than level six, I'm a Sergeant First Class rank 5 which is far passed level 6.
I bought ZP not even 24 hours before now before the most recent patch and it worked perfectly fine...
I am aware I'm not the only person having this issue.
Maybe something in the patch messed up the item mall + levels?
Most of the peoples problems if not all of them started happening after the patch.
I'm much higher than level six, I'm a Sergeant First Class rank 5 which is far passed level 6.
I bought ZP not even 24 hours before now before the most recent patch and it worked perfectly fine...
I am aware I'm not the only person having this issue.
Maybe something in the patch messed up the item mall + levels?
Most of the peoples problems if not all of them started happening after the patch.
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