Flash Grenade

I think flash grenades should completely "white-out" your screen INCLUDING your radar map.

At the moment, if you get flashed, you can just use the map to navigate round to a safe spot for 2-3 secs or retreat or whatever. Surely you should be completely rendered lost for that time?

Especially in MM/HM when I use flashes to escape from mutants, when I'm a mutant and flashed, I can use the map to go towards cage/cave entrances and blindly spam left click and manage to hit soldiers.

So? Flash grenade covers your radar as well as the rest of the screen like it does now?


  • I'm against this. While it may sound reasonable for cases in which Flash Grenades are used responsibly, there is way too much abuse of these grenades nowadays.
    I rarely see someone in MM/HM/HMX using the nade to get away from mutants. In most cases, trolls are using the flash to annoy players before Mutation spreads, or even worse, right when it spreads in.
    Therefore, I find it useful to be able to at least navigate with my radar when just another troll decided it's fun flashing people.

    best regards,
  • I My self am also against this idea. Because I use the mini Map when im flashed Its apart of Strategy. Sorry D