PØwNeÐ.™ Members, are you guys hypocrites?



  • Dj Flamez wrote: »
    PØwNeÐ.™ The Real and Only RANK 1. No Hack. Farming Yes :P. True Love/Skills. Respect To People who Earn it!

    •NOTE: I am not a fan of pubstars or any other clan except my own clan. With this said, read below!

    As you can see above you guys said "Respect To People who Earn it! ". Well i have a question for all of the members of PØwNeÐ.™.

    How are you being Respectable to C.F & other Clans when you Cheating (farming) your way to the top? Why dont you play honestly and fair to earn your spot just like any other clan?

    To me, anyone who is cheating (in your case farming) there way to the top DO NOT deserve any Respect. I am NOT saying you guys are not good players but why would most of you farm. Is it just to look good? I mean if ADIGA was the only one doing it in the clan, that would be fine but as a clan, you guys are DO NOT deserve to be called Number One (#1).

    respect no other clan?
  • farming isn't cheating
    if it was they would be banned
  • moose66 wrote: »
    farming isn't cheating
    if it was they would be banned


    so arrogant.
  • It's not against the rules. But you could say its cheating just because it's so cheap, and other people actually play to get their points.
  • Wtf is wrong with people!! of course its cheating!! i mean its not F-ing fare for the other clans.....how can people NO how can GMs not care about this!!?This makes the ''Top clan'' spot a matter of who farms more,than about who plays better or at least has more members.This is BS realy....destroys the whole point.If i was to make anything about it i would reset all farm players rankings and not bann but penalyse the clans that do it...at least....gosh...

    But what pi$$es me off is that they admit and literaly laugh at GMs and other players cus they farm and nothing is being done.

    Also they dint f-ing admit it because they have the balls,they admited it because it was so ovious,so powned...stop saying yall admited it cuz yall have balls and that you are better than anyone,cuz the truth is that yall are in the level of many clans which are in the bottom of the list...example:Google,Chuck norris etc....
  • ValkyOpz wrote: »
    Wtf is wrong with people!! of course its cheating!! i mean its not F-ing fare for the other clans.....how can people NO how can GMs not care about this!!?This makes the ''Top clan'' spot a matter of who farms more,than about who plays better or at least has more members.This is BS realy....destroys the whole point.If i was to make anything about it i would reset all farm players rankings and not bann but penalyse the clans that do it...at least....gosh...

    But what pi$$es me off is that they admit and literaly laugh at GMs and other players cus they farm and nothing is being done.

    Also they dint f-ing admit it because they have the balls,they admited it because it was so ovious,so powned...stop saying yall admited it cuz yall have balls and that you are better than anyone,cuz the truth is that yall are in the level of many clans which are in the bottom of the list...example:Google,Chuck norris etc....
    Thank you.

    This thread is now pointless.
  • im there with you flames, such hypocrites. and im supposed to be jolly today ;)
  • LolGabby wrote: »
    Wat is wrong with people and PØwNeÐ.™ let them do wat they do, and stop QQing about them farming they are more people in CF that farm i think we all should be congratulating them on finally taking over first place. And JM no you cannot own all of them with your eyes closed. Just because they farm doesn't mean they aren't pro or they aren't good. I bet any of them can pown you!
    who said so..... you?? har har har har.... ok I will only use knife. kitchen knife, coz I know they got fresh cows meat. har har har har.
  • iPwnUbad wrote: »
    ok you say this because we admit we have farmed, but there are other clans that farm too ppl think powned is the only clan that does it, were just better than other ppl at it HAH so stop crying about farming and blah and cheating if other clans had the (_(_) to admit it then youd all notice that we are simply the BEST not the ones that farmed to the top
    lol. you want to harvest my farm too? i let u plow after. hehe
  • I havnt seen a Prodigy "Powned" player with a positive score in any pubs last 2 weeks ive played with them... so what is the point of right true skills/love w/e. Idk how you guys can kill bots "farm" all day. It's it borring like hell. And btwm what respect you've got I never saw you skrim either, at least Pubstarz do skrim and do have at least skills
  • guys u dont really get it

    if z8 gonna add the match result of clan war and make another clan rank sistem pwned is gonna farm that too

    if u know they also have another clan called team cow

    they can easly farm in beta clan server lol

    just leave them trying act cool with their pinky number 1

    they will always lose on the first match on real tournaments lol