Sound Issues

Hey! I'm having sound issues with my computer, I've tried everything in my knowledge to try and fix the problem.

Here's the situation: Ok so I started downloading LoL and then I noticed my PC was running slow so I canceled the installation and I rebooted my computer. Then once I turned the PC back on I basically said, "**** it" and I didn't install the rest of LoL. So I went on to Pandora because I wanted to listen to some music, but whenever the song was playing, I recieved no sound. So I went to YouTube, even tried CF and NO sound. But the odd thing is, is that my PC SHOWED that my headset was working properly and it STILL is but I'm getting NO sound.

Things I've tried: Rebooting PC, different drivers on the front/back of my PC, I even tried re-configuring my headset and I'm still having this issue.

Someone please help! Thanks.

EDIT: My headset is the Razer Krakens, fairly new, I bought them last month. This headset does NOT have a USB port, only the audio jacks.
