Rifler Looking for a Good Scrim Clan 1.5KDR

I'm looking for a good scrim clan with a lot of members that scrims very often. I am also looking for a clan that likes to goof off and just have a good time also, this is just a game after all.

Oh and some sort of communication other that ingame chat, strategies are a must.

IGN: LB]BravesFan
Guns: K2, Deagle
Strengths: Knife Games, Pistol Games, TDM, SnD
Weaknesses: Sniping, Ghost Mode, Christmas Map (Elim)
Xfire: BravesLB/BravesFan (Can't remember which one you need to know, username or nickname)
Activity: 5-10 hours a week
KDR: 1.51

Profile: http://clan.z8games.com/charstat_cf.aspx?usn=5499891
