My WCG experience so far

The WCG service is unbelievably unreliable. 5 days ago mykl accidently makes "it" the captain of our wcg team. That same night mykl sends in a support ticket saying to change it back and that was an accident. 3 days later they make mykl captain of LPK's roster of last year's qualifier. Mykl sends in ANOTHER ticket, and they don't respond to it til today saying "i've responded to all of your tickets and did what you asked, if you need any other assistance please send in another ticket" (something like that). So mykl has to spam them with tickets so they realize that they f'd up and didn't make him captain of the right team. So 1 hour before they make him captain on our team, we try to get ERICK on our roster with his account. He joins our roster successfully but then he has to change his information on his account to change his IGN because he was going to play on a different account. So to do that he has to leave our roster and tournament again and edit his profile. So he does then he tries to rejoin the tournament and he gets a message saying "tournament is already in process". So erick can't rejoin our team and they tell him that they can't do anything about it.

So we pretty much get ****ed in the ass 20 minutes before our match. The only thing we had to resort to was getting june to play with us that hadn't been on for a week and a half with no practice with us on ANY maps. He gets on, has to download the anti cheat, sign up on their site, yadadadada. 5 minutes into our grace period we finally get the game started.
