Xenophobia too hard....

Without farming that ribbon is like impossible to get...
So far I played around 120 HMX games, but mutants won all of them... I have yet to find a game where soldier wins.

Why is it so hard for soldiers to win?
1. HMX is around 60-70% br, which already explains a lot.
2. Too much kicking
3. The weapons in CFNA are just bad. If you go on youtube and search up HMX in other versions, you will see that in the other versions the sides are balanced. Soldiers usually win at least 40% of a game. The reason is that first, they got the god sniper, the Barret. Since this is not coming to CF, then too bad. Second, their good MGs are not as hard to obtain. So in almost all rooms 50-60% of the people have a good Mg. Not m60, but MG3 legendary, Golden Mini, Golden gatling gun, ect. Now look at CFNA. We got: m16, m4, m14 red crystal (just for 1-2 weeks) maybe a machine gun or two, and the rest m12s. I mean with these weapons obviously the mutants are going to win.... because the design of this mode is balanced based on the arsenal in the more advanced versions! Since the good weapons in CFNA are either limited time or way to hard to obtain, the soldiers can't stand up to the mutants.

Suggestions for fix:

Lower mutant hp. With our primitive weapons, I think around 1500 is the max for beginner stage, 3000 for beserker, and 5000 for final.

'Switch' mutants. In case you don't know the starting mutant in other versions are actually the red ones. The green slug mutant has an ability that allows it to 'tank' knockback. Be like the others and switch to the red mutants start.

Make crate drops count. Stop giving out crap like gatling gun. That thing is useless and only gets you killed. Give instead weapons like M249, KSG, Mg3, Mini, ect.

Only the xeno start in beserker stage, but the other mutants are in beginner.


  • Without farming that ribbon is like impossible to get...
    So far I played around 120 HMX games, but mutants won all of them... I have yet to find a game where soldier wins.

    Why is it so hard for soldiers to win?
    1. HMX is around 60-70% br, which already explains a lot.
    2. Too much kicking
    3. The weapons in CFNA are just bad. If you go on youtube and search up HMX in other versions, you will see that in the other versions the sides are balanced. Soldiers usually win at least 40% of a game. The reason is that first, they got the god sniper, the Barret. Since this is not coming to CF, then too bad. Second, their good MGs are not as hard to obtain. So in almost all rooms 50-60% of the people have a good Mg. Not m60, but MG3 legendary, Golden Mini, Golden gatling gun, ect. Now look at CFNA. We got: m16, m4, m14 red crystal (just for 1-2 weeks) maybe a machine gun or two, and the rest m12s. I mean with these weapons obviously the mutants are going to win.... because the design of this mode is balanced based on the arsenal in the more advanced versions! Since the good weapons in CFNA are either limited time or way to hard to obtain, the soldiers can't stand up to the mutants.

    Suggestions for fix:

    Lower mutant hp. With our primitive weapons, I think around 1500 is the max for beginner stage, 3000 for beserker, and 5000 for final.

    'Switch' mutants. In case you don't know the starting mutant in other versions are actually the red ones. The green slug mutant has an ability that allows it to 'tank' knockback. Be like the others and switch to the red mutants start.

    Make crate drops count. Stop giving out crap like gatling gun. That thing is useless and only gets you killed. Give instead weapons like M249, KSG, Mg3, Mini, ect.

    Only the xeno start in beserker stage, but the other mutants are in beginner.

    but that wouldnt be like mm anymore
  • You must be bad at HM/HMX. Just bhop away or chill out in a good camping spot with a few players.
  • Delta 9 people are always farming those. you should join them. at least it's how I got my ribbons.
  • I also have problems with winning as soldier in HMX. I blame my playing style (I'm a HM player and like to camp with my heavy MGs) for that.
    However, it is quite easy to get those games. Whenever HMX games are for daily mission, most people will start knife farming the games so they accomplish the mission faster. Just make sure that there are no people trolling (usually they get kicked quite fast so it shouldn't be a problem) and you should be fine.
    It may take a while to get the 100 games though.
    As for your change suggestions:
    - HP: I think that the HP counts are all the same for MM, HM and HMX. It wouldn't be right to nerf the HP as you really need them in MM and HM.
    - Crates: Again, I think they're all the same for all modes. Also, at the time the crates were introduced, they tried to put in as little ZP guns as possible (just the Gatling). As much as I would like to see standard Minimis and MG 3s in those crates, I can understand they don't want to set off the people who paid ZP to get those guns. Also, the RPK and M60-Advanced are good for MM and HM, the MP5 performs well in all modes and the Anaconda-Advanced is a good sidearm. Plus, Smilegate is most likely too lazy to change the code for the crate drops.
    - Mutants: I actually like the fact that we have the Hulk variety as standard mutant. Plus, the Dread has a longer claw range, so people would start complaining if that one was to become our standard mutant.

    What could be changed if you ask me is the knockback. HMX is the only mode in which there is no knockback when Mutants take damage. It doesn't even have to be as strong as it is in HM and MM, but 20 % of that normal knockback wouldn't hurt for HMX. Besides, this lack of knockback doesn't make sense to me since all three modes are about fighting the Mutant thread and in most cases even take place on the same maps, so there is no reason to have no knockback in HMX.

    best regards,
  • Why is it so hard to win as a soldier?

    Because majority of people suck.
    -Throwing flash/smoke to each other
    -Lack of cooperation
    -Supply crate addiction

    HP on these mutants is perfectly fine. Three head shots with a deagle already deal 1800 damage.

    Supply crate is also fine. Giving such extraneous ZP weapons will lose loyalty towards player who already own them. RPK and M60 adv is already enough.