How to be Kicked

A time is always there when you just need to leave a game. Maybe your mom tells you to stop your playing; maybe you don't like the hackers in the game. You just really want to get kicked so you don't profit in a loss. Well, sometimes those macros just don't work.

That is why I'm here to teach you: 8 Main Ways to Find yourself Kicked.

First, make sure you have a macros that says either: "Kick me, please." Simple. If that doesn't work, put on: "KIK ME I LAGG AHH PLZ PLZ PLZ". Yep. That works, too.

Before you begin my steps, Make Sure you put your macros on 5 Times.

Ghost Mode:
Black List - Bring a Kris with you; start slashing the wall while running. I'm sure you'll get yourself killed, multiple times. This will give your team the thought you're useless, deemed just useless. Another thing, you can just not plant, not give it to team, or glitch the C4, so it can not be accessed.
Global Risk: Take a loud gun: MG3 and Variants or ARX-160, if available. A SL and M12s will work, also. Then just spray. What is a better idea, though, to be kicked quickly, when a ghost plants, you're the last one, don't defuse.

To be continued...
