Pikachu__ lft lfc whatever

So Veracity isn't quite going strong anymore, and now I'm looking to join a new team/clan. This solo thing isn't cutting it. I get lonely very quickly :(

Here's some stuff about meh.

18, (19 on Aug. 23rd)
I try to be a hybrid. But ak/m4 is mostly my thing. (Who can resist playing with their Gold Awp?)
On around 4-5 days a week. Weekdays more so than weekends.
Vent/Mumble/whatever you want, I can get it. Got a mic.
Whether or not anyone cares. 2.11 kd. 1.6 in cw.
Regular in e8.

My page: http://clan.z8games.com/charstat_cf.aspx?usn=4540851

Couple past clans I've been in over my 4 years on this game: Lethal Inc (ik. lol) IzG, DpKp, OG, _Deity, Fluency, Clueless, and most recently Veracity. A few more, but those were the ones right off my head.

A little tourney exp. Nothing major other than some ESL and wogl action. I never won anything though so I think I could've left this part out of my thread, but I'm too lazy to hit the delete button instead I'm still here typing about it. Idky but I'll stop now.

Anywho. Hit me back. Pm me. Whatever.
Ign: Pikachu__
