[GrimReeFerZ]{Top 1000 GM Clan Recruiting}[GrimReeFerZ]

GrimReeFerZ are back in the top 1000...we have 29 members most in or close to there 20's so there is no annoying little kids in the clan and we have become very active again and are ranked in the top 1000, we are looking for a few mature members to help make a push for top 500...we have 29 members who are very skilled on both GR and BL teams and most can b-hop or pin point and alot have axe or shovel for max damage...we use xfire for team chat, if intrested in joining the requirements are:

Positive K/D Ratio - 1.0
Active Players - On more then once a week(everyday if possible)
Mature Players - Atleast 16+

If intrested apply and I will accept all who qualify..http://clan.z8games.com/clanstat_cf.aspx?guildid=9542
