Cutting off the hackers courage..

As the thread's title says, i was thinking at a way to get them hackers of our backs, so here is what i come up with.First of all, lift the IP restriction over Europe, and implement this new system.If a person is interested in creating an account here in CFNA, he should deposit 10k ZP wich he will be able to use after the creation is done.Basicly this is it.I know that cuts off the idea of " Free to play" but since the amount of money requested isn't that big, i dont think it should be a problem for a legit player.


  • LL_TK wrote: »
    As the thread's title says, i was thinking at a way to get them hackers of our backs, so here is what i come up with.First of all, lift the IP restriction over Europe, and implement this new system.If a person is interested in creating an account here in CFNA, he should deposit 10k ZP wich he will be able to use after the creation is done.Basicly this is it.I know that cuts off the idea of " Free to play" but since the amount of money requested isn't that big, i dont think it should be a problem for a legit player.
    I play this cuz it's free. Hell naw im gonna pay 10$.

    Why Europe? Racist.

    Hacking situation is really not as bad as it used to be...
  • No need for this method. Won't get implemented because it won't make the game "Free to play" anymore.
  • The fee is a bad idea and will deter potential customers.
    An IP restriction over Europe won't happen anyway:
    1. UK is part of the european continental plate and therefore obviously a part of Europe.
    2. There are quite some customers in Europe. Or why do you think parts of the connection were rerouted to Germany? Z8games has no interest in cutting them off.

    Besides, this is just another thread of someone who thinks that cutting a certain group of people off the game is going to fix the hacking situation. Sometimes it's the Brazilians, sometimes the Turks, the Egyptian people, the Arabs or the Europeans.
    I don't think I need to tell you how useless this generalized racist thinking is or how far it is from being a solution to control the hacking situation.
    Yes, I've seen Egyptians hack, Turks, Arabs, Brazilians. But I've also seen Americans and people from the UK use obvious hacks.
    If there was a ban for all countries in which there ever was a hacker, no country in this world would have access to a CF version.

    best regards,
  • When I read the title I thought this thread would be about castrating cheaters...
  • Firstly, they can't just "lift the ip ban over europe"

    The ban was put in place because another company got the CF EU license. Ergo, there is their own version to play in.

    The same for Russia, China, Vietnam, etc etc etc.

    secondly, Free to play - know what that means? it means you never have to pay any money to play it.

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