Sony Vegas Video Becoming Pixelated
pope_banned wrote: »at around 10:33 in this video, the video quality shifts from good to absolutely awful. Why is that?
Yeah and also for some reason whenever i add colors to my replays that i recorded on 60 fps and 100 quality half size, then render it, the quality looks like trash. I know it's on half size but i've seen other people's videos with the same settings and they look so much better. (that is from awhile ago) -
Your quality is shiiit.
@HA once you add your colors to your footage,save the video file ,then reopen it and render it out.
Also if you guys need my render settings let me know.
well yeah, it was recorded at 10 fps/10 quality. wasnt supposed to be an edit or anything. pm me your render settings please -
Project settings
Render settings.
Variable bit rate is why your video becomes pixelated. 10m,10m will pixelate the video but if it's on 15/15m then you'll be fine.
Use these settings for editing , not scrim matches because if you were touse these settings for scrims , it would take you 2-4 hours to upload it. The vbr(variable bit rate ) is really what makes the file size big.
You could use the 720p template to make the file smaller. I just like to render my edits in 1080p.
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