Epic fail

Dear MODs, Admin and everyone who's reading this post.

First of all I'm not trying to spam and YES I know that there are other similar threads.

Okay.... Christmas Patc = Epic Fail


1) Nice weapons etc
2) Nice layouts
3) New Map ( kinda )


1) PRISON DOESN'T START. For some reason the "host" can't see the other ready people and the game won't start. OR when you try to " JOIN" it says " GAME HAS ALREADY STARTED, PRESS THE JOIN GAME BUTTON".... Guess what... NO JOIN GAME BUTTON.... Just CANCEL

2) Can't enter rooms. Yeah, that's right. Even if there is only one player in the room, you can't join for a weird reason

Yeah... I was playing the map " ALASKA " and when we finished the 2nd round, the game was stack. We couldn't move and do nothing!!!! And then suddenly the game itself threw us out of the room


Why keep a game running if we can't play?
