[P]erfection recruiting.

Hey my clan [P]erfection is recruiting.

No spamming in clan chat.
Never rage quit in clan war.
Have a sense of humor.
Know English pretty well.

Apply form:
~Previous FPS experience:
~Modes good at:

You won't get accepted if:
~You are lower than SFC (we can talk about it).
~Your kill/death ratio is lower than 1 (negotiable).
~You hack.
~You really suck at S&D and Ghost mode (all other modes are okay).

Things that you are allowed to do:
~Farm (Just don't farm everyday, have skill).
~Clan war without a Lt. or Leader.
~Calling random people noobs xD

And the most important rule is to have fun and to enjoy your stay! :D

Link: http://clan.z8games.com/clanstat_cf.aspx?guildid=50767


  • [P]erfection
  • dude my friend are making the clan perfection as no 1 is gonna join urs we are pros so donw wonder