Can anyone thats decent at editing make the background color for this the same as the forum so that it looks transparent? PLEASE!!!:P
I think I just got what you were trying to get to. To make the background transparent, outline what you want to be visible, create a new picture with a transparent background, and move the visible parts to the new picture. Resize the picture and save it as a PNG not JPG. -
I think I just got what you were trying to get to. To make the background transparent, outline what you want to be visible, create a new picture with a transparent background, and move the visible parts to the new picture. Resize the picture and save it as a PNG not JPG.
GU just how your picture is just the car without a background i just want it my logo without a background -
I CANT DO IT!!! lol tried so hard! are you willing to give it a try for me??
What he means is, outline what ever you want to be in the transparent picture, and make a new layer consisting of only those parts (in illustrator(if that's what you're using?)). Then create a new file, and drag that layer into the one you just created. Save this file so that it's compatible for both Illustrator AND Photoshop. Open up your Photoshop, then your new file. When it opens, go to the "File" tab, and hit "Save as Picture" or something similar to that. Make sure to save this as a .PNG, NOT a .JPG, as you'll just get a white background if saved as a JPG. Hope I helped. -
What he means is, outline what ever you want to be in the transparent picture, and make a new layer consisting of only those parts (in illustrator(if that's what you're using?)). Then create a new file, and drag that layer into the one you just created. Save this file so that it's compatible for both Illustrator AND Photoshop. Open up your Photoshop, then your new file. When it opens, go to the "File" tab, and hit "Save as Picture" or something similar to that. Make sure to save this as a .PNG, NOT a .JPG, as you'll just get a white background if saved as a JPG. Hope I helped.
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