Make use of the servers

Almost every time I log in, a lot of servers are empty.
This post is directed to foxtrot and charlie.
I say, do some experimentation with those servers; make an incentive for people to join.
I'm not saying give them +5% gp/xp or anything, but add something the community wants: ping restricted, lieutenant server, or something completely new.
I just find it kind of useless to be maintaining an empty server 24/7.


  • Ping restrictions will never happen, even more now because for some reasons peoples' pings have raised.

    A high ranked requirement was once put in on a server but failed due to inactivity.

    I do agree maintaining a server that is empty a waste but adding in those ideas can be a huge waste of effort..
  • Ping restrictions will never happen, even more now because for some reasons peoples' pings have raised.

    A high ranked requirement was once put in on a server but failed due to inactivity.

    I do agree maintaining a server that is empty a waste but adding in those ideas can be a huge waste of effort..

    Basically this. +1.
  • GR_Roid wrote: »
    Almost every time I log in, a lot of servers are empty.
    This post is directed to foxtrot and charlie.
    I say, do some experimentation with those servers; make an incentive for people to join.
    I'm not saying give them +5% gp/xp or anything, but add something the community wants: ping restricted, lieutenant server, or something completely new.
    I just find it kind of useless to be maintaining an empty server 24/7.

    I agree,would be nice to use these servers as something more than dead space. Make these rooms either ping restricted to some degree or maybe set these rooms up with weapon/character restrictions. Would not be a waste of effort seeing how doing nothing is a waste within itself.

  • True, not just these two servers, but more like US West Server, Bravo Server, etc. Not a lot of players play these servers for some reason, the only server they play mostly is the Alpha Server.