FAL Weapon
I want a FAL weapon in Crossfire. It looks nice and it should be a GP weapon. We do not have alot of "semi-automatic" weapons in CF, so I was wondering if we could have a semi-automatic FAL. I know we can use FAL in Hero Mode, but I want it in GP Black Market maybe? If you support this idea, leave a "+1" in your comments.
There is a FAL custom in CF Japan. However, its stats don't have much in common with the FAL-Camo (which is just overpowered to fit into HM).
The standard FAL is full auto, has a non-functional grenade launcher (instead, the scope is working), 30 shots per mag and reloads rather slow compared to the camo version. Players there often compare it to the standard M4A1.
Anyone believing it would be as good as the FAL-Camo is going to be negatively surprised.
best regards,
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