EscapeArtist now hiring!
Hi there,
We are the EscapeArtist! We play escape when ever we see one running.
Fairly diverse group, you could always find a few of us playing each mode. Lost a lot of people due to inactivity sadly. The 3 founders per se are all working a lot right now so we have become weekend warriors.
Need to find some more peeps to join us. Alts, people who play here and there are accepted too.
We are a pretty laid back pub group. The top three modes we play would be escape , GM and Snd.
Clan Rules
•Speak English Please
•Your ping must be under 120
•No Hacking or Glitching
•Please refrain from raging in public
•No spamming chats
•No egos, compliment when you can
•Mumble or Raidcall is for only our clan and the clans close friends! There are specific channels for the clan to be in. If you're in a clan war, join a clan only channel.
•MUST be on voice chat when in a ClanWar (You do not have to have a mic, just need to be able to listen)
•Have fun!
TLDR: Nothing special.
Yeah who knows wtf I just posted its late I am sure an edit is to come.
Thanks for scrolling down this far xD
We are the EscapeArtist! We play escape when ever we see one running.
Fairly diverse group, you could always find a few of us playing each mode. Lost a lot of people due to inactivity sadly. The 3 founders per se are all working a lot right now so we have become weekend warriors.
Need to find some more peeps to join us. Alts, people who play here and there are accepted too.
We are a pretty laid back pub group. The top three modes we play would be escape , GM and Snd.
Clan Rules
•Speak English Please
•Your ping must be under 120
•No Hacking or Glitching
•Please refrain from raging in public
•No spamming chats
•No egos, compliment when you can
•Mumble or Raidcall is for only our clan and the clans close friends! There are specific channels for the clan to be in. If you're in a clan war, join a clan only channel.
•MUST be on voice chat when in a ClanWar (You do not have to have a mic, just need to be able to listen)
•Have fun!
TLDR: Nothing special.
Yeah who knows wtf I just posted its late I am sure an edit is to come.
Thanks for scrolling down this far xD
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