Only have 1gb left, help
I only have like 1gb memory left on my comp and I don't even know how.. I have a few games and i've went trough my unistall stuff to try make space, but it made not much off a difference..
Any tips on how to get rid of useless **** so I can have some memory
Any tips on how to get rid of useless **** so I can have some memory
I only have like 1gb memory left on my comp and I don't even know how.. I have a few games and i've went trough my unistall stuff to try make space, but it made not much off a difference..
Any tips on how to get rid of useless **** so I can have some memory
I think you mean Hard Disk Memory, Clear your Temporary Files, If you use FRAPS delete all it's videos which take like tons of GBs
If you mean Ram Download Game Booster which will stop any un needed process running on your PC which will free some RAM !. -
I only have like 1gb memory left on my comp and I don't even know how.. I have a few games and i've went trough my unistall stuff to try make space, but it made not much off a difference..
Any tips on how to get rid of useless **** so I can have some memory
if you mean hdd space type this on search:
then delete all those files.
you'll get more space.
if you still have less space. buy 1tb hdd. They are now cheap. -
get this
remove big stuff you don't need.
if you got a big file called hiberfil.sys in your root, go here
and if you also got a big pagefile.sys in the same place, check this
hiberfil is useless unless you use it, pagefile might be important so read it through carefully. -
get this
remove big stuff you don't need.
if you got a big file called hiberfil.sys in your root, go here
and if you also got a big pagefile.sys in the same place, check this
hiberfil is useless unless you use it, pagefile might be important so read it through carefully.
Listen to dot, windirstat helped me alot back when I had my old pc with very little hdd space. I still keep it on my new laptop just in case. -
Im no computer expert.. I have no space left as in the program files..
Should I delete temp files?
Follow dot's post. It's simple. DL the program (it's very small) and it will list every file on your computer in order of what is taking the most space to the least and will break it down in the bottom portion (the bigger the square/rectangle, the larger the file is). Find out what is taking up so much space (ensure it's not a necessary computer file) and delete it if you don't want it. (hidden game files/saves/etc) -
Follow dot's post. It's simple. DL the program (it's very small) and it will list every file on your computer in order of what is taking the most space to the least and will break it down in the bottom portion (the bigger the square/rectangle, the larger the file is). Find out what is taking up so much space (ensure it's not a necessary computer file) and delete it if you don't want it. (hidden game files/saves/etc)
temp files are by definition safe to remove.
they're either files that have been created temporarily once upon a time and are no longer being used, or they are being used but will be recreated more or less instantly if that is the case.
temp files are disposable.
mind you, your internet cache probably falls under temp files - stuff like this forum layout, images you've seen - so those things need to be recreated, meaning your browsing will be a bit slow for every site you visit for the new "first time".
nothing that matters unless you're on a 56k modem though. -
If you have Windows here's some tips:
1.After you install Windows 7 it leaves around the original files
So you can uninstall the Service Pack if you want. In Disk Clean up,
Service Pack Backup Files= Remove about 640MB.
2.Disk Clean Up, run it once, run it again and click Clean Up System files.
3. Disable Hibernate
4. Delete your Browser Cache
5. Clean up System Restore/ remove unwanted restore points.
Set Max size to 10%
6. Remove Old Stuff, go into Add/Remove Programs, remove old crap you
Don't use like Game Demos, etc. Great tool to find large files. Don't use them delete them. Ccleaner great free program to keep your computer clean. Run the Cleaner and Registry clean Great free Defrag program, Defrag and Optimize.
You could always get another Drive, Move files over.....
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