Official TeamElite Recruitment Page!

2dv05qc_th.pngWELCOME to the official TeamElite recruitment page!

Being a clan for over a year now, we have come a long way. We have lost some members, but gained best friends. We are a pretty tight clan of skillful players. Our members are watched and observed for their skills and where they best fit for their skill such as sniping or assault. We base our friendships on respect and equality. We love clan war and playing along side our clan mates as much as possible.

What We Offer:
:Skill building
:Fun game
:Good clan Rank

What We Expect:
:Making the game fun for others

42-101-105.pngTeamElite Requirements42-101-105.png
*You must have a 1.1 positive kdr.
*Your average ping below 150
*Your rank must be master sergeant or higher.[Exception can be made]
*You must also be able to read and write decent english.
*Be Respectful
*Be fun to play with

Please no hateful or disrespectful remarks in the replies. If interested, feel free to click on the clan link and apply. You and your skills will be observed by the leader, the LTs, or by myself (IGN- brydon15)

42-101-105.png CLICK HERE FOR CLAN PAGE!
