OCG Official Stream - RTB vs PDF 9PM EST.
So I've been told that the match didn't even stream. In which case I will be quite angry. It said it was streaming, so I'm not quite sure what the issue was. Congrats to both teams on an amazing match. The first half was one of the best halves of CF I have ever seen. Congrats PDF, and a job well done by RTB.
So I've been told that the match didn't even stream. In which case I will be quite angry. It said it was streaming, so I'm not quite sure what the issue was. Congrats to both teams on an amazing match. The first half was one of the best halves of CF I have ever seen. Congrats PDF, and a job well done by RTB.
Indeed -
So I've been told that the match didn't even stream. In which case I will be quite angry. It said it was streaming, so I'm not quite sure what the issue was. Congrats to both teams on an amazing match. The first half was one of the best halves of CF I have ever seen. Congrats PDF, and a job well done by RTB.
thanks and it sucks, wanted to hear you cast -
I would say gg but you guys acted like absolute children when asked to stop typing. I understand that you are in fact children, but try to act a little more mature...
i would like to point out that 1 player (Yamaton, who is no longer on RTB) acted this way
i said "ok" and stopped
gg d00d -
I would say gg but you guys acted like absolute children when asked to stop typing. I understand that you are in fact children, but try to act a little more mature...
Well I mean, I'm so sorry that my typing makes you unable to concentrate in your games style sir. -
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