New Silencer Pistols
It is not possible to effectively supress most revolvers because gas and noise will also escape over the gap between drum and barrel. Successful supression can only be achieved when the revolver is specifically built to have a sealed drum or if it has a special mechanism that seals the gap when firing, like some Russian revolvers the KGB used. Therefore, I'm sorry to say, your supressed Anaconda is useless.
Besides, you're not being very original by using the same textures you already used for the TAR and G36 you suggested. Try to develop a new skin next time.
best regards,
Urkel -
It is not possible to effectively supress most revolvers because gas and noise will also escape over the gap between drum and barrel. Successful supression can only be achieved when the revolver is specifically built to have a sealed drum or if it has a special mechanism that seals the gap when firing, like some Russian revolvers the KGB used. Therefore, I'm sorry to say, your supressed Anaconda is useless.
Besides, you're not being very original by using the same textures you already used for the TAR and G36 you suggested. Try to develop a new skin next time.
best regards,
Iam Downloading Some New Textures For PS Right Now
And Thx For The Post
And I Will Try To Do New Textures In Other Weapons And Make Them Nice
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