DO something about hackers!

Hi there guys,
I would like to ask if you are finally going to make a step forward against hackers. As you see it is an everlasting problem which you guys obviously are not solving or making any particular steps to erase it. I believe you get a lot of money from donations from players all over the world so maybe if you cannot make your anti-cheat work reliably and protect players from hackers you may pay for some that is tested like punkbuster or so. I do not think its irresolveable problem because there are tons of similar games like Counter strike, Call of Duty etc. that have no such problems on official servers. I am not sure if you realize the magnitude of this problem but it constantly ruins everyday game experience to thousands of players and you guys act like you do not give a ****. Actualy it ruins the game in more ways than meets an eye. There is a first way that is obvious and it is hack abuse in general. But there is also another way which imho ruins the whole community even more and it is the fact that when a serious good player comes to some room just to have fun he gets automatically kicked by people who think that he is hacker. This is not a fault of players it is fault of you guys and your, do not know how to call it and not to be rude, but lets say terribly bad anti-cheat protection that any turkish kid can overcome so the community is confused everytime someone starts to play better than others. I know you will probably just laugh at this post and totaly ignore it because people pay you huge amounts of money so you are happy and satisfied. Anyway your goal should be to get your game better and better to attend more players but you are failing at basic fact - protecting players from external programs that destroy the game itself. I hope I am not the first and also not the last who mentioned this problem and pointed it out cause as long as people will shut up and pay you are not going to to anything. I played this game for years on EU and NA servers and I feel sorry about you guys that after all these years you are not willing to stop this hacking madness and make your game reach the top. You probably get more money from companies that create hacks so you just ignore them. I had to finally type this message cause I just got fed up of your attitude to this, If I compare you with e.a Riot games that came up from nothing few years ago with their League of Legends and now they provide top services without any single hacker in game, you are just pathetic imitation of progress and your game will be always the second hand stuff in comparison with others. Best regards, Assik.
