Cf Player Comparison

At the request of Malte, I decided to expand my comparisons and feature actaul players rather then just teams.

Now a disclaimer for the people who will get mad or cry about this.

-This is a joke intended to find some humor in a game where everyone gets upset at everyone, so sit back, relax, and enjoy the well intended humor this should bring.

For each player(I've heard of) I'm going to be doing a comparison to their closest professional sports player(no soccer or rugby, I don't know you=/)

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Wilt Chamberlain - Revolutionizing the sport, along with carrying his team, once getting 100 points in a game, along with 55 rebounds in another. Wilt Chamberlain led to drastic changes in strategys and rules in the nba. Malte revolutionized cf with the forward introduction to people not only using the ak for close quarters, but also for flanks and long range spams.

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Doc Rivers - Rivers, holding the Atlanta hawks record for assists, was not only one of the best support players of all time, but one of the best on court leaders, which would later develop into his role as a great coach. Doop is best known for his ingame leadership as well as his strats.

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Steve Kerr - Kerr, one of the best nba 3 point shooters ever found his s****om as a safety valve/pressure gauge for Micheal Jordon. With Kerr on the court, teams could not focus on only shutting MJ down as Kerr was more then a competent outlet. Much like Kerr, Blitz would be the outlet that malte needed for his successful flanks.

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Mark McGwire - Mark McGwire, one of the heaviest hitters in MLB history crushed balls out of the park like famous does 4ks. McGwire constantly topped the charts for home runs and rbis, much the way famous does with frags. Also like McGwire, famous has been accused of some less then legal activities.

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Bryce Harper - A bright young star looking to lead his way into the mlb, looks to have all the talent to become one of the best players in the league. Has had some slight let backs, that include an attitude problem that holds this future star back.

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Sammy Sosa - A well known admitted user of steroids and corked bats, like suko, sammy made the promise to stay clean, and his career regressed to a blimp on the radar.

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Mark Sanchez - Like w0rthy, Sanchez has always been fairly delusional about his team/skill. Always thinking his team is on the way to the superbowl, and he is destined for greater things. Usually after saying this, he gets embarrassed in some way. (the classic butt fumble/doop ripping his lft thread) ( further details)

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To be continued.
