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An effective team operates in an atmosphere where:

There is commitment to the team and to a common goal.
Team members cooperate and collaborate.
There are procedures for discussion and decision-making.
Communication is open, honest and frequent.
There is a process for managing conflict.
Commitment - Team members, as well as managers throughout the organization, must be committed to helping the team achieve its goals.

Cooperation and collaboration - Team members must feel that they are working for and with each other by recognizing and sharing their skills and knowledge.

Discussion and decision-making procedures - Team decisions can be made by the leader, a selected minority of the team (e.g., those with expertise on the question) or a majority, or the team can reach a consensus, in which everyone agrees to the decision to some degree. Whatever the team chooses, all members must be clear about what the team is to decide, how they will make the decision, and who will be accountable.

Open, honest, frequent communication - Successful teams develop effective communication processes (You may want to check out the PPC Communication Skills module). That means team members understand and employ the following communication skills, which engender trust and a sense of belonging in its members:

Respecting the opinion of others.
Sharing ideas
Conflict management process - Conflict is an inevitable ingredient of the decision-making process, but it can destroy the process if it is not managed correctly. These six steps can help a team work through its conflicts.

Step 1: Clarify and identify the cause of conflict, then try to understand each other's point of view.

Step 2: Find common goals on which all members can agree.

Step 3: Determine what the team's options are.

Step 4: Identify and remove barriers to consensus.

Step 5: Find a solution that everyone can accept.

Step 6: Make sure all parties understand what the solution means to them.

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