Cross Fire Auction House-Repost

So I posted this idea a couple years ago on the account that got stolen from me, and what little people commented on the thread showed support towards the idea. I know it won't ever get implemented, but I figured I'd repost it and see how the community stands on the idea now.

So it's simple, they don't want to have an account to account trading function, so why not an auction house? Here's how it works.

Say you have a gun sitting in your inventory that you never use, because you simply don't like it but you know others do. For me, I'll use as an example my Thompson.

When I look at my own profile on the website, next to the weapons it would show a new button listed as 'Auction'. Clicking will take you to a page where you MUST enter your security question answer as well as your e-mail address. Before clicking the submit button you'd have to select the duration and price of the auction and weapon.

Once you've answered the question and input your e-mail address, you would receive an e-mail to confirm the weapon being removed from your inventory and placed in the auction house.

Once you click the link to confirm it, you put in your password on the webpage, and the weapon would be immediately removed from your inventory and placed in the auction house, where you have no access to it, and you CANNOT remove it from there.

--Other information--
The weapon can be broken when it's added, but it would say "Thompson - 10,000 damage - Price (X) - Duration of Auction { 24 hours, 48 hours, 72 hours, or 1 week }
It gives you a drop down menu where you select the duration of the auction. You can select a 24 hour auction, 48 hours auction, 72 hour auction, or a 1 week long auction.

Also, you select your price, and make it GP or ZP. You can make it anywhere from 1 GP to start with, to 10,000 ZP to start with. Where the auction goes from there is up to the bidders.
As I said, you cannot use the gun while it is in the auction house, once you select and confirm it, the weapon is gone for good unless no one bids.
The current highest big IS NOT shown on the auction. You would input how much you want to place on the auction, and the amount of ZP/GP would be removed from your account instantly. If you do not win the auction, then you will be returned the GP/ZP minus 10% for use of the auction house (GP only) and minus 5% for ZP.
Continuing with the example of the Thompson, someone added it and I want to purchase it. I place a bid of 25,000 GP for it. I lost the auction so my GP is returned, I only get 22,500 GP returned to me.
Only Black Market weapons can be added!
To make an argument about the company not getting anything from it, the user adding the gun MUST pay a certain amount of ZP (Determined by weapon rarity) for the weapon to be placed in the auction house, to help pay for the server space needed for it to operate.
~::Example Rates::~ (All rates are in ZP, not GP)
Thompson is a fairly commonly won weapon, so only 250 ZP to place it up for a 24 hours, 500 for 48, 750 for 72, and 1.5K for the 1 week auction.
A rarer weapon like the seasonal ones (If they were allowed which is already stated they'd not be), example the Jackhammer-H. It's a rare weapon, and currently not available for purchase anywhere. But if this system was placed, to help pay for the server time of the auction house, 1.5K ZP for 24 hours, 2K for 48 hours, 2.5K for 72 hours, and a full 4K for the 1 week auction.

The rates for rare weapons may seem steep, but remember, the rare weapons would attract a lot more bids and activity than the lesser items like the mentioned Thompson

Although it won't show the exact bid, it will show a 'bid level to give you a round-about area of where it is. Bid levels are as follows:
-Level 1-
1 to 10,000 GP
1 to 5,000 ZP
-Level 2-
10,001 to 20,000 GP
5,001 to 10,000 ZP
-Level 3-
20,0001 to 30,000 GP
10,001 to 15,000 ZP

Continues on increasing at the same rate.

--How this varies from the trading system that most people want--
It couldn't be abused as easily, for example if you make a new account and farm it up to GP crate rank and use the GP on said crates and win the gun.. Adding it to the auction house and setting it at the lowest price available and having your main account bid on it does not mean you will win it. All auctions are public and can be seen by everyone. ANYONE CAN BID ON ANY AUCTION!
You have a limit to 5 bids a month, and placing two guns on the market per month. So once again, it's harder to abuse.

People may say that this system wouldn't profit the company in any way, so I've changed a few things from the original idea.

It would reduce account selling/trading.. People wouldn't need to get an entirely new account just to get that one gun they've always wanted, instead they could simply go to the auction house and get it that way.

Addition from old thread
A new VIP gun could be implementing for only 50K ZP. It gives extremely low benefits, that only effect the player using rather than the entire room. The primary benefit is that purchasing the weapon allows you to place weapons on the auction house. Without purchasing this weapon you cannot place weapons, but you can still bid.

A special 'priority' auction house, your items get placed at the top of the auction list by purchasing this weapon.
If anyone has any ideas on how to make this system better, tell me and I'll add it in if it's worth it.

-::Example images::-



  • i love the idea, think its great, just people wont spend money in the black market as they could buy it cheaper in the 'auction'. this will lose a large amount of income on ZP purchases for Z8games.
  • FannySlime wrote: »
    i love the idea, think its great, just people wont spend money in the black market as they could buy it cheaper in the 'auction'. this will lose a large amount of income on ZP purchases for Z8games.

    Keep in mind ZP still has to be spent, and lost if you don't win, in order to get the gun. While you MAY get it cheaper, you may end up having to spend a lot more money.
  • Really good idea, and the fact about being on the website sounds fantastic. However, knowing this game I am very certain that a whole bunch of players will find a way or more to abuse this system and might eventually cause it to shutdown.
  • nice idea, now I can get rid of those guns that i dont need
  • cool idea, id rather have the current winning price showing, and that the seller gets like 90% of the price payed not 100% instead of everyone not winning paying for it (like a traditional system)
  • yes pls. i have 2 extra winnies that i'd do anything to get rid of. LOL.
  • Great idea. Would also like a more direct trade system too. Like private auctions so if there is a gun you want to sell to one person they can buy it from you.

    Adding a little zp tax on everything is a nice incentive for z8 :)
  • That's a fantastic idea, I especially like how you work the whole system out in this thread.

  • One of the best ideas ive heard in a long time and Z8 still gains revenue from doing this while helping the players so win win for everyone.
  • Good idea. But it would be the end of the BM as we know it. Most people would auction with their freinds by telling them when the auction is about to finish if they have to. Every person that is quitting could auction off all their BM weapons when they leave. People would also try and auction weps from alts to mains for cheap prices.

    Despite that it could be made to work. +1
  • Speculate wrote: »
    Good idea. But it would be the end of the BM as we know it. Most people would auction with their freinds by telling them when the auction is about to finish if they have to. Every person that is quitting could auction off all their BM weapons when they leave. People would also try and auction weps from alts to mains for cheap prices.

    Despite that it could be made to work. +1

    But the auctions are all public, so even if they only tell their friends about the auctions they're all listed in the new 'auction' tab of the game area. So they wouldn't be assured the weapon even if they were told the second the auction started, or a few moments before it ended. And ontop of that the BM still has new guns being released on it, people would spend money on the BM to get the new weapons, and if they get multiples can actually have a use for them.
  • Original post edited, added example images. Will be adding more later.
  • Great idea. Would also like a more direct trade system too. Like private auctions so if there is a gun you want to sell to one person they can buy it from you.

    Adding a little zp tax on everything is a nice incentive for z8 :)

    there's the hole, where abusers can go through
    as stated if the auction is private that means you can
    for example farm GP in a new account win a gun
    sell it to your other character for an insanely low price.

  • Great idea, but I can't see this ever being implemented because Z8 makes a lot more money now than they would if they made an auction. People wouldn't buy as much ZP because they could get weapons cheaper from auction. Also, Z8 wouldn't make money from those zp taxes, unless they had everyone agree to a new Terms of Use stating that they could charge you for the equivalent amount of $ = to the zp tax and forced you to provide credit card, paypal, etc. info so that they could charge you. Remember, once you have the zp they already have your money and they don't magically gain more money by taking away some of that zp.
  • i_Kronos wrote: »
    Great idea, but I can't see this ever being implemented because Z8 makes a lot more money now than they would if they made an auction. People wouldn't buy as much ZP because they could get weapons cheaper from auction. Also, Z8 wouldn't make money from those zp taxes, unless they had everyone agree to a new Terms of Use stating that they could charge you for the equivalent amount of $ = to the zp tax and forced you to provide credit card, paypal, etc. info so that they could charge you. Remember, once you have the zp they already have your money and they don't magically gain more money by taking away some of that zp.

    That's the thing, you have to have the ZP on your account in order to use it. So if you want to use the auction house you need to spend ZP either way. So you still have to buy it. It's not charging MORE ZP to use it, it's taking ZP away from you for using it.
    will never happen

    ... You think I don't know that? Are you really that dense?
  • NoPotatoes wrote: »
    That's the thing, you have to have the ZP on your account in order to use it. So if you want to use the auction house you need to spend ZP either way. So you still have to buy it. It's not charging MORE ZP to use it, it's taking ZP away from you for using it.

    Yes, but since Z8 doesn't make money from the ZP taxes the auction house would cause them to lose money because many people would buy less ZP, save it, and wait to get a gun cheaper on the auction house.
  • i_Kronos wrote: »
    Yes, but since Z8 doesn't make money from the ZP taxes the auction house would cause them to lose money because many people would buy less ZP, save it, and wait to get a gun cheaper on the auction house.

    ZP put up on a lost auction is still lost. You don't get 100% of the ZP you put up back. Or did you not read that part?
  • NoPotatoes wrote: »
    ZP put up on a lost auction is still lost. You don't get 100% of the ZP you put up back. Or did you not read that part?

    I did read that part. Did you read the part where I addressed that part(zp taxes) and stated that since Z8 doesn't make money from it, the auction house would cost them money in the end? Wait, that was my entire post. How about you read my post before you reply next time? However, the location on your profile says "inside my own little world," so I'm not surprised that you decided to ignore my post and attempted to insult my reading level.
  • i_Kronos wrote: »
    I did read that part. Did you read the part where I addressed that part(zp taxes) and stated that since Z8 doesn't make money from it, the auction house would cost them money in the end? Wait, that was my entire post. How about you read my post before you reply next time? However, the location on your profile says "inside my own little world," so I'm not surprised that you decided to ignore my post and attempted to insult my reading level.

    Where did you get insulting your reading level? And if you had actually read you'd see that they don't get all their ZP back when they don't win an auction, so even those who don't win lose something. You don't seem to realize you need to actually BUY ZP to use this system, and you lose ZP just to bid on it. Plus you'd have to spend ZP on a special VIP weapon/item in order to even place a weapon in the auction house. How do you figure Z8 doesn't make any money from this?
  • NoPotatoes wrote: »
    Where did you get insulting your reading level? And if you had actually read you'd see that they don't get all their ZP back when they don't win an auction, so even those who don't win lose something. You don't seem to realize you need to actually BUY ZP to use this system, and you lose ZP just to bid on it. Plus you'd have to spend ZP on a special VIP weapon/item in order to even place a weapon in the auction house. How do you figure Z8 doesn't make any money from this?

    Yep, you officially can't read. Please enlighten me and quote where I said they don't make any money. All I have been saying this ENTIRE time is that they would not make as much money as they are with the current system, where people sometimes spend $500+ to get a single gun.
  • i_Kronos wrote: »
    Yep, you officially can't read. Please enlighten me and quote where I said they don't make any money. All I have been saying this ENTIRE time is that they would not make as much money as they are with the current system, where people sometimes spend $500+ to get a single gun.

    i_Kronos wrote: »
    I did read that part. Did you read the part where I addressed that part(zp taxes) and stated that since Z8 doesn't make money from it, the auction house would cost them money in the end? Wait, that was my entire post. How about you read my post before you reply next time? However, the location on your profile says "inside my own little world," so I'm not surprised that you decided to ignore my post and attempted to insult my reading level.
  • ^ Thank you for proving my point that you have no reading skills whatsoever. I was clearly referring to ZP Taxes. Let me break it down for you.

    "Did you read the part where I addressed that part(zp taxes) and stated that since Z8 doesn't make money from it, the auction house would cost them money in the end?"

    1. I talk about "that part(zp taxes). Do you see the words in the ()'s?

    2. "and stated that since Z8 doesn't make money from it". Clearly still talking about zp taxes because these words are right after "that part(zp taxes)" with no subject change. I use "it" because I am referring to "that part."

    3. "would cost them money in the end" Clearly stating that since Z8 doesn't make money from ZP Taxes, "the auction house would cost them money in the end." I have other posts that explain why they would not make as much money and why ZP Taxes wouldn't close that money gap, so not going to explain it again.
  • Great idea!
    I have so many BM weapons that i cannot sell and i want to :(