Apply block?

The clan leader should have the option to block applys or the applyer.

Many clans got problems with the Applys. Like a SnD Team which don't want to get applys for example but it still gets.

That would be like this :

Recruitment Stages:
1 - Open: Anyone can apply as long as their not on the clan ban list (Which I'll explain later on.)
2 - Invite Only: In order for someone to apply, the LTs are leader have to put that users USN number into a page. That will give the user permission to submit an application.
3 - Closed: No one is allowed to apply. Period.

Clan Ban List
All this would do is track the USN's of users that are in your clan (like the site currently does) and there will be a page where you can put in USN's of persons you don't want in your clan. This will stop that person from applying. Very simple.
