EXP BUG - Clan Wars

Attention Soldiers,

Recently we have been tracking a bug on the clan server which gains players an abnormally large amount of EXP in one game.

While we have kept this investigation silent for a while we can no longer do that.

This bug is being reported to the developers as we speak for immediate fixing.

Any player caught abusing this bug in the last 30 days will have their EXP totals adjusted downward once the bug is fixed.

Please understand the above statement. Earning these high amounts of EXP is not natural for the game progression and we will adjust your totals once the bug is fixed.

When we look at the database we can determine every point total awarded to every player after every match. We can easily run a query that looks like this:

Display all players receiving above X exp more than once in a given time period.

This means if you accidentally got the bug once, it's probably no big deal, but if you're playing enough games trying to exploit the bug we can EASILY TELL WHO IS DOING THIS. And we will take action against it.



This discussion has been closed.