Free Mumble Server Tutorial
A lot of people don't know how to get a free mumble server for there teams or clans this is How:
1. Go to
2.Click USA Mussuri(Unless you live in Germany)
3.Type in your email and click get free mumble server
4.check your email inbox for the mumble info
5.once you confirm the link they will send you Super User Password
6. That is IT!
A free 50 Slot Mumble Enjoy.
1. Go to
2.Click USA Mussuri(Unless you live in Germany)
3.Type in your email and click get free mumble server
4.check your email inbox for the mumble info
5.once you confirm the link they will send you Super User Password
6. That is IT!
A free 50 Slot Mumble Enjoy.
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