MOD Power

Im sorry for making a new thread about this again
But Saidin you have to think about this , This could help ( MODS still play the game and if they see a hacker they can kick him automatic right away ) Our mods aren't that bad and haven't done anything bad , Think about it.


  • Good idea mate, +1 I support of this entirely.

    Our Mods are just, fair and really helpful. I'm sure this will benefit the community in every way :)
  • Would be cool for them to have kick power, and on that kick a possible temp ban and replay gets sent in?
    They should be imune I know a few have been kicked rofl.
  • Good idea mate, +1 I support of this entirely.

    Our Mods are just, fair and really helpful. I'm sure this will benefit the community in every way :)

    Someone who gets it , Im not saying to give Mods Ban power ! , Im saying they can kick automatic Hackers , MODS aren't idiots they can see the difference from a good player and a hacker.

    Would be cool for them to have kick power, and on that kick a possible temp ban and replay gets sent in?
    They should be imune I know a few have been kicked rofl.

    This is kinda the reason why They don't want to give MODS the Ban power , They are not trusted or they are not smart to see if they are hacking or just good ( I guess ) Im asking for Kick power and Immune for Kicks is also good.
  • Forumerz wrote: »
    MODS aren't idiots
    Yes they are (some of them)
    they can see the difference from a good player and a hacker.
    No they can't.
  • snitchALT wrote: »
    Yes they are (some of them)

    No they can't.

    Snitch not to be mean : But mostly of them aren't and some are improving :o
    And they won't kick you , Some of the MODS are in the UK ( Where the most hackers are )
  • Why kick? So the hacker can be sent to a new room to hack freely, because mods are too good to get hacked on??

    If they were giving powers to mods it should be a ban hammer with a required replay to be saved if in the event the ban is disputed and to prevent rouge mods abusing.
  • Chimpzz wrote: »
    Why kick? So the hacker can be sent to a new room to hack freely, because mods are too good to get hacked on??

    If they were giving powers to mods it should be a ban hammer with a required replay to be saved if in dispute and to prevent rouge mods abusing.

    No , The mods in the room could be a protection for the whole room , That means if there is a hacker he could kick him right away , Or Make him not join 15 minuts another room ? That could really help ( more time , just a suggestion )
    If the MOD made a mistake then its his fault with the ban hammer.
  • Forumerz wrote: »
    No , The mods in the room could be a protection for the whole room , That means if there is a hacker he could kick him right away , Or Make him not join 15 minuts another room ? That could really help ( more time , just a suggestion )
    If the MOD made a mistake then its his fault with the ban hammer.

    Sure it helps the mod personally and the room but what about other players who don't have an instant kick option or a mod to molly cuddle them?

    It would be best for mods to have ban power thus saving everyone from that hacker, rather than just kicking the hacker from his room saving his 15 players from being hacked on but sending the hacker to my room.
  • Chimpzz wrote: »
    rather than just kicking the hacker from his room saving his 15 players from being hacked on but sending the hacker to my room.

    Can we not just have a "send to chimpzz room" option? i like the sound of that one ;)


    OT: I'd love to have kick immunity...and the power to insta-kick would be good, but could be abused easily - let alone an instant-ban ability...
  • Can we not just have a "send to chimpzz room" option? i like the sound of that one ;)


    OT: I'd love to have kick immunity...and the power to insta-kick would be good, but could be abused easily - let alone an instant-ban ability...

    ^Thats why were trusting MODS with this ;)
  • ^Thats why were trusting MODS with this ;)

    at the end of the day though, we are like the rest of you when it comes to in game.

    We get annoyed in the same way.

    We have good days, and bad.

    I'd be lying if i said i've never wanted to kick someone just for killing me continually.

    We (the mods) aren't employed by Z8//G4, nor do we have a contract as such, and therefore they have procedures to go through that we don't know about it's a lot more complicated than just letting 10//15 players run round with instant-kick//ban powers...
  • Can we not just have a "send to chimpzz room" option? i like the sound of that one ;)


    OT: I'd love to have kick immunity...and the power to insta-kick would be good, but could be abused easily - let alone an instant-ban ability...

    If they did kick immunity I would would actually want to be a mod, and I never want to be one atm.

    And sure banning could be abused but with the said measures in place it would only cause a little inconvenience until the mod is fired.

    I know Z8 have some mods that are questionable but on the whole they are a group of players that are level headed and know who hacks and who doesn't.

    Furthermore; I doubt any mod would just go on a banning spree since a lot of players simply have to do a huge amount of brown nosing to get the position.
  • Chimpzz wrote: »

    If they did kick immunity I would would actually want to be a mod, and I never want to be one atm.

    And sure banning could be abused but with the said measures in place it would only cause a little inconvenience until the mod is fired.

    I know Z8 have some mods that are questionable but on the whole they are a group of players that are level headed and know who hacks and who doesn't.

    Furthermore; I doubt any mod would just go on a banning spree since a lot of players simply have to do a huge amount of brown nosing to get the position.

    That sums it up what I wanted to post.

    Useless login ffs :(
  • They have suggested this before, But indeed in a way can help the IG Community. +1 for your creativeness.
  • Get normal requirements such as 18+, English fluency, in game experience combine it with NDA where Mods would agree to get their accounts long time/permanently restricted for doing little mistakes (ex. bad language) and perm account closure for bigger mistake (ex:unjustified ban) and the system will work.

    Why would someone risk getting their invested money+time taken away because of some random user on internet?

    If some Mod goes on banning spree, it wouldn't take much for GM's to undo it because things like ban logs are always stored just in case things like this happen.

    Users that were banned from raging mod could would get official apology and small reward (keeping their honorable ribbon).

    The end. Mod system would work fine even with bigger powers than useless insta room kick.

    This is just very small part of what I originally suggested on CF EU forums.
  • Chimpzz wrote: »
    Why kick? So the hacker can be sent to a new room to hack freely, because mods are too good to get hacked on??

    If they were giving powers to mods it should be a ban hammer with a required replay to be saved if in the event the ban is disputed and to prevent rouge mods abusing.

    Maybe kick from server? :)
  • one_9 wrote: »
    Maybe kick from server? :)

    Might make them think twice.

    But some none english speaking players would probably think it's just an error, then log back in and enter my room :d
  • for the love of god no, wannabe, power abuser mods, with a nazy complex, going around with VIP pass for kicking, No thanks bye close cya
  • Chimpzz wrote: »
    Might make them think twice.

    But some none english speaking players would probably think it's just an error, then log back in and enter my room :d

    Nah it can be like a database tracking thing. There would be an initial popup when kicked saying "You've been kicked by MOD: So-and-so from this server: alpha (for example). You will not be able to join the server: alpha for the next (for example) 2 hours 30 min."

    And thereafter each time they try getting into that server, alpha in the above example, during the kick duration, will have another popup saying: "you will not be able to enter this server for the next (for example) 1 hour 5 min."

    And the server keeps tracks of logins and logouts, right, and they'd just have to code something that, through a database, shows that the account has this temporary condition.

    Also initially there would be an ingame GM handler that would oversee correct usage of this by the MODs. Or something.
  • It sounds like a good idea but I have a hard time believing they could find enough in-game mods who could be trusted.

    Edit: The forum mods I have no doubt could be trusted with this responsibility, but there aren't many of them and such a change would be barely noticeable with the current number of mods. I've seen a mod in-game twice, ever. For such a change to make a noticeable difference many more in-game mods would have to be recruited, and I doubt recruiting enough who could be trusted would be easy if even possible.
  • Forumerz wrote: »
    Im sorry for making a new thread about this again
    But Saidin you have to think about this , This could help ( MODS still play the game and if they see a hacker they can kick him automatic right away ) Our mods aren't that bad and haven't done anything bad , Think about it.

    They haven't done anything bad - yet.
    CF EU has some officals (I don't know if they're Mods or members of a special patroling group) in-game. They can directly ban you if the THINK you might hack. Let me put it that way:
    Where there is a human being left in charge of something, there's always a margin for errors. And humans are prone to emotional outbreaks. I've heard of people getting banned without reasons by those guys patroling the game.
    Imagine you have someone in-game who can kick or ban you directly. Now you kill that guy all the time and he gets ****ed off. I don't want my account to depend on someone you actually play with. If you enrage that person, it would be possible that he/she would abuse his/her powers because he/she is blind with anger.
    To counter this, there would have to be a branch in support that deals with inappropriately applied kicks/bans. This, on the other side, would mean support would have to do even more work than before. I think it's unlikely they would do this.
    Our system where the majority of players has to decide whether a person should leave a game or not is safer. It is NOT perfect and people might protect hackers because they make their team win. In that case, however, I would believe in the good in people.

    best regards,
  • You guys wont see the difference , You rarely find a mod in your room , maybe once in a year.

    I didnt say it is a bad idea , But it would be better if it was a team of Trusted people , Not only mods.
  • it would be nice to see that a MOD really does something in your face regarding a hacker.Definetly +1
  • one_9 wrote: »
    Nah it can be like a database tracking thing. There would be an initial popup when kicked saying "You've been kicked by MOD: So-and-so from this server: alpha (for example). You will not be able to join the server: alpha for the next (for example) 2 hours 30 min."

    And thereafter each time they try getting into that server, alpha in the above example, during the kick duration, will have another popup saying: "you will not be able to enter this server for the next (for example) 1 hour 5 min."

    And the server keeps tracks of logins and logouts, right, and they'd just have to code something that, through a database, shows that the account has this temporary condition.

    Also initially there would be an ingame GM handler that would oversee correct usage of this by the MODs. Or something.

    That would be sexy.
    voyager40 wrote: »
    It sounds like a good idea but I have a hard time believing they could find enough in-game mods who could be trusted.

    If you were Prime minister or president how would you go about recruiting police in the real world with real consequences.

    Afterall there are police officers that are murderers, rapists and pedophiles.
  • By giving mods the power to ban/kick cheaters, a lot of legit players would be banned or kicked. Pretty much all the mods are too incompetent to tell who's a cheater and who's not.
  • 1 year and 3 months was the last post on this thread before Rinorrr.

    Might be a Necropost...
  • ' wrote:
    SKoRM;3733320']1 year and 3 months was the last post on this thread before Rinorrr.

    Might be a Necropost...

    3 months not year and 3 months hhh
This discussion has been closed.