Looking for a good active clan.

Well im looking for a decent, avtive, English speaking, clan. I just quit my clan today well not mine just a LT but been there sence just about the begining (2 Months lol). Helped get them to rank 970, but then i got bored of people only being on at one time a day. So here I am.


Age: 19

IGN: kissofdeath-

Rank: SCF 4

KRD: 1.6

Guns used. MP5-Adv, and DEagle, I have other guns just dont like them. Working on getting a K2.

Playing time: EST. Mon-Fri I usualy play inbetween one of these time if not both a day 8-am-1pm and 8pm-2am Sat and Sun well I usualy go out on the weekend so I just get on when im home. To make it simple I play about 5 hours a day if not more, and not to often on the weekends.

Matches: Well im great at S&D and T.D., also F.F.A. but I dont play it to often. E.M. im ok not bad. G.M. Im not to good I get to bored of it to quick.

Farming: I dont farm so if your a farming clan I dont care how good you are I do not want to join.

Mic: Yea ive got one but I dont use it to often.

Anything else just ask here or ingame. Thanks.
