Looking clan maybe

looking for semi active scrim team/clan to play with, id prefer to join on my alt but i would join on my main if i really had to. Im very familiar with both sides of every SD map, i know how to quicky call players locations and directions, i can call strats and i know how to listen to strats, and i know how to clutch. i mostly rifle in scrims but on some maps depending on if im GR/BL i will awm with good results. my kd is garbage and is around 1.4 maybe, my alt is closer to 2.0... i played in online leagues for the CTF game tribes back around 2k2 (when people used roger wilco :D) and was in a couple of the top teams. i have vent and a microphone of course and msg me in this thread if you think i could have fun with your team :D
