How to change the font in Crossfire! [Video and text]
Overview -
Some people just dont like the font crossfire comes with, or people just want something new!
this is the guide for you!
Video Guide (English Commentary) -
Quick Guide
1) Get a font that you like
2) Z8GAMES DIRECTORY\Crossfire\Rez\Fonts
3) Delete Default.ttf
4) change the name of the font you want to use to "default" (NO CAPS!)
5) If its not .ttf change it to .ttf
In-depth Guide -
1) Get a font that you like!
2) Go to "My Computer"
3) Open your main drive (Usually C:/)
4) If you have the option to go into "Program Files (x86)" Double click that
5) If you dont have x86 Go into normal "Program Files" if you do ignore this step
6) go to the bottom and double click "Z8Games"
7) Go into "Crossfire"
8) Go into "Rez"
9) Go into "Fonts"
10) Right click the font that you want in the game and re-name it to "default"
11) Replace the old font with the new one!
12) Restart/Open Crossfire!
[Unconfirmed that you need to change the extension]
Some people just dont like the font crossfire comes with, or people just want something new!
this is the guide for you!
Video Guide (English Commentary) -
Quick Guide
1) Get a font that you like
2) Z8GAMES DIRECTORY\Crossfire\Rez\Fonts
3) Delete Default.ttf
4) change the name of the font you want to use to "default" (NO CAPS!)
5) If its not .ttf change it to .ttf
In-depth Guide -
1) Get a font that you like!
2) Go to "My Computer"
3) Open your main drive (Usually C:/)
4) If you have the option to go into "Program Files (x86)" Double click that
5) If you dont have x86 Go into normal "Program Files" if you do ignore this step
6) go to the bottom and double click "Z8Games"
7) Go into "Crossfire"
8) Go into "Rez"
9) Go into "Fonts"
10) Right click the font that you want in the game and re-name it to "default"
11) Replace the old font with the new one!
12) Restart/Open Crossfire!
[Unconfirmed that you need to change the extension]
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