
Looking for lieutenant rankers. with good kdr. (we also allow some master sergeants)
do not dismiss us because we are a young clan.
we do have much to learn but the more experienced players we get the more we benefit the more we learn.
the follow are the main requirements and the Trial/Exception rule.


Main Requirements:-

*Active! Active! Active!
*Positive KDR at-least 1.5 or above.
*Vent and a mic (if you dont have a mic you will be given time to buy one.)
*Ability To Listen in clan wars to the strategy callers, and be will to call strats when needed.
*Lieutenant Rank.
* Loyalty - Be willing to join us and stay for a while. instead of joining for 10 hours then leaving.
* be mature and be respectful towards the clan and other people outside of the clan.
however this doesn't mean you cant have a joke with us and laugh and poke fun :D!!
*Scrim lover or Pub lover or both ^^

Trial/Exception rule:-

by default everyone who joins [StyleZ] is put on a trial run for 1 week for me to decide if your what we are looking for or not. however due to the rank requirement we only do this with lieutenant ranks, however if one of my LT's or me see a master sergeant who shows great potential and wants to join can do so or if they ask us directly we will allow them in for a trial. provided they agree to the main requirements above.

(the trial rule will be kept but within the next 5 weeks, the exception rule will be gone. however will be brought back if thought necessary.)

do not flame this post please. only comment if your interested please.
