SND Recruitment Thread

Rank 3454
If it's not broked, play with it until it is

Clan Summary
We are based on a Search and Destroy team and a echo8 scrim team.We mostly clan war a lot.Win percentage is 80% 47-12.We use vent to talk with during clan wars and during regular games to have some fun and enjoy playing.We are 2 weeks old with 16 members [All gold bars and highter] with aleast a postive kdr and are very active

Clan Requirements

~Min level of a Master sergernt
~A least a postive kdr
~Need to clan war aleast 10 times per week
~Must have Honorable Ribbon. (We do NOT deal with hackers.)
~Must be Active. (We give members ONE weeks before they are kicked from the clan unless if you let us know that you will be inactive
~Must be on Ventrilo while clan warring

Clan Rules

~No glitching or Hacking
~Most respect all members
~Need to get 20 clan points each week
~Most practice long range couple times per week and work on getting better in maps
~No clan hopping
~Speak decent English

Clan Application

~Ping in bravo echo8 clan server and alpha
~You have mic and vent ?
~Why you wanna join us
~Do you have Honorable Ribbon? If not, what is your reason
