
Rank 1043
To be a part of the ]v[.{ø.O}.™ team, you must have a 1.3+ KDR, speak vietnamese, be respectful to members of the game and clan members, be active (points are counted weekly), no cheating or glitching, and teamspeak 3 is needed to clan war.
A little about the clan:
We are an active group of people from many places in the world, but mainly U.S.A and the. We clan war often and are looking to go down in both clan war rank and overall clan rank. We are looking for people that will be loyal and stay to the clan. We are building our reputation back from a time of lowliness coming from the clan. We are excited and glad to be a part of the group of legit plays and encourage those legit clans that play with us often and are respectful to join us. If you have any other questions, please feel free to message me or an LT in game or on the forums and we will gladly answer your questions.. Thank you for taking the time to read this!

Brother/Sister clans:

